4 things you must know about microblading

If you have been struggling to get eyebrows that make heads turn, microblading can be a good choice.

In this write-up, let us find out more about this form of beauty or rather cosmetic treatment under the following topics-

  1. For whom is microblading suitable
  2. Preparing for the treatment
  3. How is it done?
  4. Recovery period and after-care

Let us find an explanation for each one of the topics in brief.

  1. For whom is microblading suitable

This form of cosmetic treatment is ideal for individuals that have no eyebrows or have few eyebrow hairs. Alopecia is a disorder in which individuals lack eyebrow hair. If you want a fuller look and have eyebrows that have scars that require correction, you can opt for the treatment.

  1. Preparing for the treatment

To make microblading is effective, you must keep in mind the following essential aspects. It will ensure that you get better results and also get value for your money. These are as follows-

  • On the day you undergo the procedure, make sure you avoid beverage that contains caffeine and alcohol.
  • Do not sunbathe for at least 3 or 4 days before undergoing the procedure.
  • If you happen to use cream or balm on the face, abstain from using them prior to appointment
  • If you are on aspirin or ibuprofen, discontinue for a few days as these are blood thinners.

However, regarding medicines that you must avoid, it is best to consult the cosmetic surgeon or medical practitioner for better recommendations.

  1. How is it done?

Before starting the procedure, your esthetician will talk to you and clarify any doubts you have about style, color, and answer any causes of concern that you express. To start with, he will apply an ointment that will numb the area. For more information, get in touch with Candid Microblading 

Alternatively, you can opt for other topical anesthesia options available. The entire procedure requires a lot of precision and accuracy. As such, it can take up to 2 hours. It is usually said that the sensation you feel during the procedure is “scraping” due to microblading.

With the help of a sterilized blade, the professional makes cuts in the top layer of the skin of the eyebrow and will fill these incisions with color pigments.

  1. Recovery period and after-care

Once the microblading procedure has been carried out, it is quite likely that your eyebrows will appear darker for sometime. Also, there might be swelling and discomfort as the area is healing and adjusting to the sensation that was caused due to scraping by a blade. It should be normal within a week or 10 days.

As far as after-care is concerned, pay heed to the following-

  • Do not use water over eyebrows for at least 7 to 10 days
  • Use antibacterial soap if required
  • Avoid make-up
  • Do not prick into the craping area
  • Abstain from using scrubs or peel-off masks for a month
  • Avoid sleeping head-down (on face) for 2 weeks

Remember, it is a ‘semi-permanent’ treatment, and you must get it done by a professional who is skilled and has expertise in this field.