How to Run a Meeting like a Boss

There are a lot of different ways to run a meeting, but if you want to be a boss at it, there are certain things you should keep in mind.

Here are 15 tips on how to run a meeting like a boss:

1. Make sure you have a clear purpose for the meeting. What is the goal? What do you hope to accomplish? Without a clear purpose, meetings can quickly become unproductive and even frustrating.

2. Start on time and end on time. This shows respect for everyone’s time and helps to keep the meeting focused.

3. Keep the meeting focused by staying on topic. If there are tangents or side conversations, gently bring the group back to the main discussion.

4. Encourage participation from everyone. This includes asking for input, listening to ideas, and considering different perspectives.

5. Make sure all attendees are prepared. This means sending out an agenda or reading materials in advance, so people have time to review them and come to the meeting with questions or comments.

6. Take breaks as needed. Meetings can be long and tiring, so it’s important to take breaks every now and then to keep everyone’s energy up.

7. Keep the meeting organized by having a clear structure, such as an agenda or specific format. This will help everyone know what to expect and stay on track.

8. Be aware of body language and nonverbal cues. This includes your own body language as well as the body language of others. If people are looking restless or bored, it may be time to take a break or end the meeting.

9. Handle conflict in a constructive way. This means staying calm, listening to different points of view, and finding common ground.

10. Be decisive. If there are decisions to be made, make them in a timely manner so the meeting can move on.

11. Summarize key points at the end of the meeting. This helps everyone leave with a clear understanding of what was discussed and decided.

12. Follow up after the meeting with any action items or next steps that were agreed upon. This shows that you’re taking the meeting seriously and holding everyone accountable.

13. Send out meeting minutes or notes within 24 hours. This allows everyone to review what was discussed and helps to hold people accountable for their action items.

14. Get feedback from attendees on how the meeting went. This helps you to improve future meetings and ensure that they are productive and valuable for everyone involved.

15. Always be prepared with an agenda and any materials that will be needed. This shows respect for everyone’s time and ensures that the meeting is focused and productive.

Following these tips will help you run a meeting like a boss!


Q: How long should a meeting be?

A: There is no set answer, but it is generally best to keep meetings as short as possible. If the meetings are longer than an hour, consider taking breaks every so often to keep everyone’s energy up.

Q: How often should I have a meeting?

A: Again, there is no set answer, but it is generally best to limit the number of meetings you have. Too many meetings can quickly become unproductive and even frustrating. Only call meetings if there is a clear purpose and goal that cannot be accomplish in any other way.

Q: Who should I invite to my meeting?

A: Only invite people who absolutely need to be there. Too many people can quickly make meetings unproductive. Consider who needs to be involve in order to accomplish the meeting’s purpose and goal.

Q: What if people are not paying attention or seem bored?

A: This could be a sign that the meetings are too long, unorganized, or unfocused. Try taking a break, focusing on one topic at a time, or ending it early.

Q: How do I handle conflict during a meeting?

A: It is important to stay calm and listen to different points of view. Try to find common ground and reach a resolution that everyone can agree on. If necessary, you may need to end the discussion and come back to it at another time.


Running a meeting doesn’t have to be difficult. By following these tips, you can make sure your meetings are productive, efficient, and valuable for everyone involved.