Feng shui in interior design

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice of interior design that aims to create harmony and balance in the home.

Feng shui is the ancient Chinese art of placement. It is the art of creating harmony in one’s environment through the strategic placement of objects. Feng shui can be used in any type of space, including homes, offices, and even gardens.

There are many different schools of feng shui of interior design, but all share the same basic principles. Feng shui is based on the belief that our surroundings have an effect on our lives. Everything in our environment emits energy or chi. The goal of feng shui is to balance this energy to create harmony and peace.

There are 15 basic concepts that you need to understand before you can start using feng shui in your own home.

  • First, you need to know about the five elements. The five elements are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Each element has its own energy and characteristics.
  • Next, you need to understand the yin and yang. Yin is the feminine energy while yang is the masculine energy. Everything has both yin and yang energies.
  • Third, you need to know about the eight trigrams. The eight trigrams represent different areas of your life such as wealth, health, relationships, etc.
  • Fourth, you should understand the concept of the bagua. The bagua is a map that shows how the different areas of your life are connected.
  • Fifth, you need to know about chi. Chi is the life force energy that flows through everything.
  • Sixth, you should understand the concept of Feng Shui seasons. There are four seasons in Feng Shui, each with its own energy.
  • Seventh, you need to know about the nine sectors. The nine sectors are different areas of your home or office that correspond to different areas of your life.
  • Eighth, you should understand the concept of auspicious and inauspicious directions in interior design. Each direction has its own energy and can affect different areas of your life.
  • Ninth, you need to know about the ten gods. The ten gods represent different aspects of our lives such as health, wealth, relationships, etc.
  • Tenth, you should understand the concept of the twelve animals. The twelve animals represent different energies that can affect our lives.
  • Eleventh, you need to know about the five ghosts. The five ghosts represent different negative energies that can affect our lives.
  • Twelfth, you should understand the concept of wind and water. Wind and water are two of the most important elements in feng shui.
  • Thirteenth, you need to know about the four compass points. The four compass points represent different energies that can affect our lives.
  • Fourteenth, you should understand the concept of the time of day. Different times of day have different energies that can affect our lives.
  • Fifteenth, you need to know about the eight mansions. The eight mansions represent different areas of our lives such as wealth, health, relationships, etc.

Now that you have a basic understanding of the principles of feng shui in interior design, you can start using it in your own home. There are many different ways to use feng shui. You can use it to improve the energy in your home, attract more luck, or even create more harmony in your life.

The best way to learn how to use feng shui is to consult with a professional. A professional feng shui consultant can help you understand the principles of feng shui and show you how to use them in your own home.


Feng shui is a Chinese philosophy that teaches about the importance of energy balance in our lives and environment. There are 15 basic concepts of feng shui, which include the five elements, yin and yang, the eight trigrams, the bagua, chi, Feng Shui seasons, the nine sectors, auspicious and inauspicious directions, the ten gods, the twelve animals, the five ghosts, wind and water, the four compass points, and the eight mansions. Feng shui can be used to improve the energy in your home, attract more luck, or create more harmony in your life. Consult with a professional feng shui consultant to learn how to use these principles in your own home.