Creating New Family Traditions: Ideas to Get You Started

Family traditions bring us together. They provide us with a sense of comfort, familiarity, and connection to our loved ones. Whether it’s baking cookies during the holidays or trying new cuisines each week, creating family traditions can have immense benefits for all members of your household.

Here are 15 ideas to get you started on crafting your own family traditions:

1. Cooking Together:

Get everyone in the kitchen to chop vegetables, stir sauces and bake desserts! When dinner is ready, sit down as a family and enjoy a homemade meal and conversation while learning more about each other.

2. Movie Night:

Pick out a movie that everyone will enjoy, pop some popcorn and snuggle up on the couch for a night of fun!

3. Game Night:

Break out the board games and have some friendly competition. This is a great way to connect with your family in an interactive way that everyone can enjoy.

4. Outdoor Activities:

Go for a bike ride, play catch or jump on a trampoline! Spending time outside and getting active as a family can be great for bonding.

5. Make Something Together:

Make something together that you’ll remember forever like a quilt, birdhouse or picture frame. It will serve as an ongoing reminder of all the fun you had creating it!

6. Vacation Planning:

Get everyone involved in planning your next vacation by having each person pick their favorite activity and restaurant. Then, once you’re all on vacation, you can make sure to check off each person’s item!

7. Arts & Crafts Fun:

Whether its paint night or card making, getting creative as a family is an awesome way to bond and share your individual artistic talents with one another.

8. Try New Foods:

Experimenting with new foods is exciting and fun for the entire family! Every week pick out a new recipe that everyone agrees on and cook it together.

9. Family Photo Album:

Put together a family photo album of all your favorite memories over the years – from holidays to vacations and everything in between!

10. Birthday Celebrations:

Make birthdays extra special by having a family dinner and cake, or an outing to do something the birthday person loves!

11. Sharing Stories:

Take turns telling stories about your day, your life experiences and the things you love. You’ll learn more about each other in a fun and interactive way.

12. Holiday Celebrations:

Create your own traditions for celebrating holidays – like decorating gingerbread houses or going caroling together!

13. Story Time:

Set aside some time each week to read stories aloud as a family, either from books or just make them up on the spot. This is a great way for parents to connect with their children in a relaxed setting.

14. Nature Walk:

Explore the outdoors together – go for a nature walk in your local park and identify different plants, animals and insects.

15. Volunteering:

Spend some time giving back to the community as a family! Look up volunteer opportunities in your area that everyone can get involved in and help make a difference.

Creating traditions as a family is an important way to build relationships, have fun and create lasting memories together. Remember to mix it up though – explore new cultures, try different activities or travel to unique places! With these 15 ideas you’re sure to find something that will work perfectly for your family. Have fun creating your own unique traditions!


Q: What are some good family traditions?

A: Some good family traditions include cooking together, having movie nights, playing board games, going for outdoor activities, making something together, vacation planning, arts and crafts fun, trying new foods, creating a family photo album, celebrating birthdays in a special way or outing to do the birthday person loves. You can also share stories with each other, have story time reading aloud from books or just make them up on the spot. Go for nature walks to explore the outdoors and identify different plants and animals. Lastly you can volunteer as a family and help make a difference in your local community.


Creating traditions as a family is an important way to build relationships, have fun and create lasting memories. There are many different activities you can do together, from cooking meals to going on nature walks or volunteering in your community. Try out some of these ideas and find something that works best for your family! With a little bit of planning and creativity, you’ll be sure to create memories that will last a lifetime.