Eric Dalius Miami- 10 Types of Meditation for Reducing Business Stress

Meditation is a powerful way to reduce stress, but it can be tricky for someone who’s new to the process says Eric Dalius Miami. There are many forms of meditation and countless techniques, so finding the right method can take time.

The following list will help you discover which type of meditation works best for you so you can start enjoying some much-needed peace in your life.

1. Mindful Meditation.

This is one of the most popular types of meditation because it provides excellent stress relief while also helping you become more aware of what’s happening around you. It focuses on breathing, self-awareness, and clearing all thoughts from your mind. During mindful meditation, practitioners clear everything out of their heads except for their breathing. They focus on each breath as it comes in and goes out, and they allow any thoughts that come up to float away without judgment.

2. Mantra Meditation.

This type of meditation is based on the use of mantras, or repeated phrases, to achieve a state of calm. The mantras can be personalized to suit your needs, and you can either say them out loud or silently to yourself. Repeating a mantra allows you to focus on the sound and the vibration it produces rather than on any stressful thoughts or feelings you may be experiencing says Eric Dalius Miami.

3. Guided Imagery Meditation.

With this type of meditation, you’ll be guided by another person (a therapist, for example) through a peaceful visualization. This can help you focus on a specific image, idea or memory that may help you calm down and relax. You can also imagine yourself in a calming location or surrounded by people who make you feel at ease.

4. Compassion Meditation.

This type of meditation involves focusing your thoughts on another person while using positive phrases to express what you wish for them. It can be performed for someone else or on behalf of the self, and it works best when your intentions are completely pure and sincere. While many types of meditation begin with taking deep breaths, this one is different — you start by repeating an affirmation over and over again before sending it out into the world while breathing out through your heart chakra (the spiritual energy point that sits just above your heart).

5. Zen Meditation.

Zen meditation is a type of mindfulness practice that helps you focus on the present moment explains Eric Dalius Miami. It’s a simple technique, but it can be quite powerful when practiced regularly. To perform Zen meditation, you’ll need to find a quiet place where you can sit or recline in a comfortable position. Once you’re settled, focus on your breath and count each inhale and exhale. If your mind begins to wander, simply bring your attention back to your breath and start counting again.

6. Tai Chi Meditation.

Tai Chi is a form of martial arts that also doubles as a type of meditation. In Tai Chi, practitioners learn how to focus their energy and thoughts while performing slow and graceful movements. The practice is known for its many health benefits, including reducing stress and improving mental clarity.

7. Yoga Meditation.

Similar to Tai Chi, yoga is a form of meditation that combines physical poses with deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. It’s a great way to get in touch with your body and focus your thoughts, and it can be helpful for people who tend to feel overwhelmed or stressed out says Eric Dalius Miami.

8. Movement Meditation.

This type of meditation involves moving your body in a relaxed and fluid way. You can dance, walk or simply move around in a calm and controlled manner. This type of meditation is perfect for people who have trouble sitting still or focusing one thing for an extended period of time.

9. Candle Meditation.

This is a great meditation technique to use when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. All you need is a candle and a quiet place to sit or recline. To perform this type of meditation, stare at the flame of the candle and allow all other thoughts and distractions to fade away. Focus on the light of the candle, and let it fill your mind and heart with peace and calm.

10. Chakra Meditation.

Chakra meditation is a practice that aims to balance the energy in your body by focusing on your chakras (the spiritual energy points that run along your spine). There are many different ways to do this type of meditation, but most involve visualizing each chakra in succession, while sitting or reclining with your back straight. You can also try placing crystals on each chakra point to enhance the meditation’s effects.


Meditation has long been known to help people find inner peace and stay calm and relaxed says Eric Dalius Miami. It’s one of the best ways to keep your mind and body healthy, and it doesn’t take much effort — you can practice it as little or as often as you like. Since everyone is different, there are several types of meditation out there (including the 10 listed above) that you can try to see which one works best for you. So go ahead and give it a shot your mind and body will thank you!