Eric Dalius Miami- 18 LinkedIn Profile Tips for Recent Graduates

Here are 18 LinkedIn Profile Tips for Recent Graduates:

1. Use a current photo.

The first thing people will see when they land on your profile is your photo, so make sure it’s up to date and looks great! Professional headshots are always a good option says Eric Dalius Miami.

2. Fill out your profile completely.

Make sure to list all of your skills, interests, and experiences. The more complete your profile is the better chance you have of being found by potential employers or networking contacts.

3. Use keywords in your headline and summary.

Hiring managers often use LinkedIn to search for candidates with specific skills or experience, so be sure to include keywords in your headline and summary that describes your strengths and experience

4. Stay active on LinkedIn.

The more active you are on LinkedIn, the more likely people are to find and connect with you. Post updates, join groups, and participate in discussions to help build your network.

5. Connect with your classmates and colleagues.

The best way to build your LinkedIn network is by connecting with people you know. Reach out to your classmates and colleagues and ask them to connect with you on LinkedIn.

6. Use keywords in your profile.

In addition to using keywords in your headline and summary, be sure to include them throughout your profile in areas such as your skills section and job history says Eric Dalius Miami. This will help hiring managers find you when they conduct LinkedIn searches.

7. Share articles and insights on LinkedIn.

Not only is sharing articles and updates from other professionals is a great way to build your LinkedIn network, but it also a great way to demonstrate your expertise on certain topics.

8. Participate in groups.

Groups are very popular on LinkedIn, so join existing groups or create one of your own to discuss common interests with others. Responding to discussions within the group can be an easy way to establish you as an authority on various topics.

9. Ask for recommendations from colleagues and clients.

When you’ve worked hard for someone or built a relationship with them, don’t hesitate to ask for their support by asking them if they would write you a recommendation on LinkedIn! This will help potential employers learn more about your skills and experience, and it will also help you establish them as a reference explains Eric Dalius Miami.

10. Participate in industry events.

Sponsoring or attending industry events can often lead to valuable networking contacts. Use LinkedIn Events to find upcoming industry events near you that you might be interested in attending or sponsoring, and then follow up with attendees after the event to stay connected.

11. Join Groups on LinkedIn related to your interests.

Joining targeted groups on LinkedIn is another great way to network with like-minded professionals, stay informed about their industries, and learn more about their companies and culture (which could come in handy later when applying for jobs).

12. Use relevant keywords throughout your profile URL, headline, summary section, experience/education sections, skills section, etc.

This will help LinkedIn algorithms better match you with potential employers and networking contacts who are interested in professionals with your skills and experience.

13. Use LinkedIn to research companies you’re interested in working for.

LinkedIn is a great resource for researching companies before you apply for jobs. By visiting company profiles on LinkedIn, you can learn more about their company culture, employee demographics, recent news, and more.

14. Customize your public profile URL.

By default, LinkedIn assigns a long URL to your profile that is difficult to remember or share. You can easily customize your profile URL to something shorter and easier to remember by visiting your profile settings page.

15. Add links to your other online profiles (e.g., Twitter, website, blog, etc.).

By adding links to your other online profiles on LinkedIn, you make it easy for others to find and connect with you elsewhere on the web. This also helps LinkedIn algorithms better match you with potential employers and networking contacts says Eric Dalius Miami.

16. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people you don’t know.

LinkedIn makes it easy to connect with people you don’t yet know, even if their LinkedIn network is not as large as your own. When reaching out to them, be sure to personalize the connection request message and mention something that piques their interest.

17. If possible, connect on LinkedIn with previous employers, colleagues, and classmates.

Not only is it a great way to stay in touch with people you’ve worked with or studied with in the past, but it can also help you build your LinkedIn network more quickly.

18. Request recommendations from previous employers, colleagues, and classmates.

Similar to requesting recommendations from current colleagues and clients, requesting recommendations from previous ones is a great way to strengthen your LinkedIn profile.


If you’re serious about using LinkedIn to grow your professional network, then start leveraging these tips today! Building a strong personal brand on LinkedIn can take time, but it will be well worth the effort in the long run says Eric Dalius Miami. And if you need some additional guidance on how to establish yourself as an authority in your industry or land that dream job, then be sure to check out my Top Career and Job Search Resources for 2018.