Green cleaning tips for an eco-friendly home

Going green is not only good for the environment, but it can also be good for your wallet. Making some simple changes in the way you clean your home can save you money and help reduce your impact on the environment.

Here are some tips to get you started:

Looking to clean your home in a more eco-friendly way? Check out these green cleaning tips!

1. Make your own cleaning solutions.

There are plenty of recipes online for DIY cleaning solutions using natural ingredients like lemon juice, vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. Not only are these solutions better for the environment, but they’re also usually more cost-effective than store-bought options.

2. Ditch the paper towels.

Instead of reaching for a paper towel every time you need to clean something up, opt for reusable cloths or rags. Not only will this save you money in the long run, but it’s also much better for the environment since paper towels end up in landfills.

3. Invest in eco-friendly cleaning products.

If you don’t want to make your own cleaning solutions, there are plenty of green options available at most stores these days. Look for products that are biodegradable, have minimal packaging, and are not tested on animals.

4. Avoid toxic chemicals.

Many conventional cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that can be dangerous to your health and the environment. When possible, choose natural alternatives or make your own cleaning solutions using ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice.

5. Use less water.

When cleaning your home, try to use as little water as possible. This will help conserve this precious resource and save you money on your water bill.

6. Compost.

Composting is a great way to reduce your impact on the environment while also creating nutrient-rich soil for your garden. You can compost food scraps, yard waste, and even some types of paper.

7. Recycle.

In addition to composting, recycling is another great way to be more eco-friendly at home. Most communities have recycling programs, so take advantage of them!

8. Educate your family and friends.

One of the best ways to make a lasting impact is to educate your loved ones about the importance of green living.

9. Support eco-friendly companies.

When possible, choose to do business with companies that are environmentally responsible. This includes everything from the food you buy to the products you use to clean your home.

10. Vote with your wallet.

Remember, every purchase you make is a vote for the type of world you want to live in. So next time you need to buy cleaning supplies, choose eco-friendly options and help make a difference!

Share these tips with them and see if they’re interested in making some changes of their own!


1. What are some eco-friendly cleaning tips?

There are plenty of ways to clean your home in a more eco-friendly way, including making your own cleaning solutions, investing in green products, recycling, and composting.

2. What are some benefits of green cleaning?

Green cleaning can be better for your health, the environment, and your wallet!

3. What are some environmentally friendly cleaning products?

Some popular eco-friendly cleaning products include Mrs. Meyers, Seventh Generation, Ecover, and Method.

4. How can I reduce my impact on the environment?

There are many ways to reduce your environmental impact, including using less water, recycling, and composting. You can also support eco-friendly companies and vote with your wallet by choosing to purchase green products.

5. What does it mean to be eco-friendly?

Eco-friendly or “green” refers to practices that are intended to help reduce the negative impact of human activity on the environment.

6. What are some eco-friendly companies?

Some popular eco-friendly companies include Tom’s of Maine, Seventh Generation, and Patagonia.

7. What is the best way to be more environmentally friendly?

There is no one “best” way to be more eco-friendly, but there are many small changes you can make in your everyday life that will add up to a big difference. Every little bit helps!


Eco-friendly cleaning is a great way to protect your health, the environment, and your wallet. There are many easy ways to make your cleaning routine greener, so why not give it a try? You might be surprised at how simple and satisfying it can be!