Helping your child develop good behavior habits

It is important to encourage your child to develop good behavior habits from a young age. Having good behavior habits will help them succeed both academically and socially.

There are 15 key things you can do as a parent to help encourage your child to develop good behavior habits:

1. Be a role model – children learn by observing the adults around them. If you want your child to develop good behavior habits, be sure to model those habits yourself.

2. Encourage positive behavior – let your child know when they are behaving in a way that you approve of. This positive reinforcement will help them continue to display this desirable behavior.

3. Be consistent with expectations and consequences – it is important that you are consistent with the expectations you set for your child’s behavior, as well as the consequences that follow when those expectations are not met. Inconsistency will only serve to confuse and frustrate your child.

4. Avoid power struggles – if you find yourself getting into a lot of arguments with your child over their behavior, it is likely that you are engaged in too many power struggles. Try to step back and let your child make more choices for themselves. This will help them feel more in control and less likely to act out in an attempt to assert their power.

5. Be clear and concise when communicating expectations – take the time to sit down with your child and explain what is expected of them in terms of their behavior. Be sure to use clear and concise language that they will understand.

6. Avoid using physical punishment – research has shown that physical punishment is not effective in changing behavior and can actually lead to more behavioral problems. If you are struggling to discipline your child without resorting to physical punishment, seek out professional help.

7. Use logical consequences – when your child misbehaves, try to use a logical consequence that is related to the behavior. For example, if they throw a tantrum in the grocery store, they may have to sit out in the car for a few minutes until they calm down.

8. Praise your child’s efforts – even if your child is not behaving perfectly, be sure to praise their efforts in trying to improve their behavior. This will help them feel motivated to continue working on their behavior.

9. Help your child develop a sense of responsibility – start giving your child small tasks or chores that they are responsible for. As they complete these tasks successfully, you can gradually give them more responsibility. This will help them learn that their actions have consequences and that they are responsible for their own behavior.

10. Encourage positive social interactions – provide opportunities for your child to interact with other children in positive ways. This could include joining a sports team or taking part in group activities at school or church.

11. Teach your child problem-solving skills – when your child is faced with a problem, help them identify possible solutions. This will teach them how to cope with difficult situations and how to find positive ways to resolve conflicts.

12. Model calm and assertive behavior – when you are faced with a challenging situation, take a deep breath and try to remain calm. This will model for your child how to deal with difficult situations in a constructive way.

13. Help your child understand their emotions – it is important that your child learns to identify and express their emotions in a healthy way. If they are struggling to cope with their emotions, seek professional help.

14. Promote a positive self-image – help your child develop a positive view of themselves by complimenting them often and encouraging them to pursue their interests and talents.

15. Seek professional help if needed – if you are struggling to manage your child’s behavior, or if their behavior is having a negative impact on their life, seek professional help. A therapist can help you and your child identify the root of the problem and develop a plan to address it.


The above tips can help you in managing your child’s behavior effectively. However, if you are struggling to cope with your child’s behavior, it is important to seek professional help. A therapist can help you and your child identify the root of the problem and develop a plan to address it.