How to Clean and Care for Your Favorite Tea Cup Collection 

Tea cups can be special and sentimental mementos.

Whether you’ve been collecting them for years or are just getting started, taking care of your collection is key to keeping them looking and feeling their best.

Step 1: Dust Regularly

Dust your tea cup collection at least once a week with a soft cloth or feather duster. Regular dusting will help keep dirt, oils and allergens away from the delicate surfaces of each cup.

Step 2: Clean Gently

If your tea cups get particularly dirty from use over time, use mild dish soap diluted in warm water to gently clean them by hand. Make sure not to scrub too hard on any one spot as this may cause scratches or chips in the delicate china.

Step 3: Rinse Well

Rinse each cup thoroughly with clean, warm water to ensure that all soap suds are gone and no residue is left behind.

Step 4: Dry Completely

Use a soft cloth or paper towels to dry each cup and handle individually. Make sure not to leave any moisture on the cups as this can lead to discoloration, spotting or other damage over time.

Step 5: Store Carefully

When storing your tea cups for long periods of time, wrap them individually in acid-free tissue paper and store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and high temperatures. This will help prevent damage caused by dust, humidity and extreme temperatures.

Taking the time to properly clean and care for your tea cup collection will help increase its longevity and keep each cup looking beautiful for years to come. With proper dusting, cleaning, drying and storage you can enjoy your favorite cups for many special occasions.

Tea cups are a delightful way to enjoy your favorite hot beverage, and they can also add a touch of sophistication to any room. But if you’re not careful, your collection of tea cups can quickly become a dust-collecting eyesore.

Here are some tips on how to keep your beloved tea cup collection looking beautiful for years to come.


The best way to clean tea cups is with warm soapy water. Before cleaning, make sure all the pieces are separated and don’t have any food or residue stuck in them. Fill a bowl or sink with warm water and a few drops of non-abrasive dish soap, and then dip each piece into the mixture one at a time. Gently scrub each piece with a soft cloth or sponge, paying special attention to the crevices. After all the pieces have been washed, rinse them off with clean water and dry them off with a soft cloth.


The key to properly storing tea cups is to keep them away from dust, moisture, and extreme temperatures. An ideal storage solution would be an enclosed cabinet or shelf that is warm and dry. Make sure to wrap each piece in acid-free paper before placing it in storage, as this will help protect against scratches and other damage caused by contact with other objects over time. If you plan on storing your collection for extended periods of time, it’s a good idea to periodically take out each piece and give it a good cleaning.


If you want to show off your tea cup collection, arrange them in a display case or shelf where they can be easily. Make sure to place the pieces far enough apart that air can circulate around them and avoid any contact with other objects. You may also want to invest in some acid-free paper or foam inserts for each piece, which will help protect against scratches and dust build-up. Lastly, make sure the shelf is not expose to direct sunlight or other sources of heat, as this can cause discoloration over time.


Taking care of your beloved tea cup collection does not have to be complicate. With just a few simple steps—cleaning, storage, and display—you can ensure your collection stays beautiful for years to come. So, keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be sure to enjoy your tea cup collection for many years to come.