How to get over your fear of failure and start your own business

One of the biggest fears many people have is the fear of failure. This can prevent you from taking the necessary risks to start your own business and achieve success.

There are 15 things you can do to overcome your fear of failure:

1. Acknowledge your fear

The first step is to acknowledge that you have a fear of failure. Once you recognize that this is something that is holding you back, you can begin to take steps to address it.

2. Understand why you’re afraid

The next step is to understand why you’re afraid of failing. What are the potential consequences of failing? Are you afraid of not being able to support yourself or your family? Are you afraid of embarrassing yourself? Once you understand why you’re afraid, you can begin to address those fears.

3. Set realistic goals

One way to overcome your fear of failing is to set realistic goals. If you’re afraid of not being able to support yourself, set a goal that is achievable. If you’re afraid of embarrassing yourself, set a goal that is realistic and within your comfort zone.

4. Take small steps   

Another way to overcome your fear of failure is to take small steps. Rather than trying to start your own business overnight, start by taking some smaller steps. Research businesses, come up with a business plan and start marketing your business. These are all small steps that will help you achieve your goal of starting your own business.

5. Seek out support

Seek out support from family and friends. Let them know you’re trying to overcome your fear of failure and ask for their help. They can provide you with encouragement and moral support when you’re feeling down about your progress.

6. Find a mentor         

Find someone who has already achieved what you want to achieve. Ask them for advice and guidance. They can help you overcome your fear of failure by sharing their own experiences.

7. Join a group or community

There are many groups and communities available to help people who want to start their own businesses. These groups can provide support, advice and resources. Joining one of these groups can help you feel less alone in your journey and give you access to valuable resources.

8. Read success stories

One way to overcome your fear of failure is to read success stories. These stories will inspire you and show you that it is possible to achieve your goals.

9. Attend events         

Attend events related to starting your own business. These events can provide you with information, resources and networking opportunities.

10. Take a class

Taking a class on starting your own business can help you overcome your fear of failure. These classes will teach you the necessary skills to start and run your own business.

11. Hire a coach          

Hiring a business coach can help you overcome your fear of failure. A coach can provide you with support, accountability and guidance as you start your own business.

12. Get a job in a related field

One way to overcome your fear of failure is to get a job in a related field. This will give you some experience and knowledge in the area. It will also help you network with people who may be able to help you in your business.

13. Volunteer

Another way to overcome your fear of failure is to volunteer. This will give you some experience and exposure to the world of business. It will also allow you to meet people who can help you in your business.

14. Intern

Interning with a successful business can help you overcome your fear of failure. This will give you some experience and knowledge in the area. It will also help you network with people who may be able to help you in your business.

15. Join a networking group

Joining a networking group can help you meet other entrepreneurs and learn from their experiences. This can be a valuable resource as you start your own business.


With these tips, you can begin to overcome your fear of failure and start your own business. Don’t let the fear of failing hold you back from achieving your dreams.