How to Quickly Calm Yourself down When You’re Feeling Anxious or Stressed

We all experience anxiety and stress from time to time. Whether it’s in response to a challenging situation at work, worries about finances, or simply feeling overwhelmed by day-to-day life, it’s important to know how to quickly calm you down when you’re feeling anxious or stressed.

There are many different ways to do this, but some simple and effective techniques include deep breathing, positive self-talk, and relaxation exercises.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these.

Deep Breathing:

One of the quickest and most effective ways to calm down when you’re feeling anxious or stressed is to focus on your breath and take slow, deep breaths. This has an immediate calming effect on the nervous system and can help to lower your heart rate and blood pressure.

To do this, simply sit or stand in a comfortable position and take a deep breath in through your nose, filling your lungs from the bottom up. Then, exhale slowly through your mouth, letting all the air out of your lungs. Repeat this several times until you feel more relaxed.

Positive Self-Talk:

Another helpful way to calm down when you’re feeling anxious or stressed is to talk to yourself in a positive and reassuring way. This is often called “positive self-talk” or “affirmations.”

Some examples of positive self-talk that you can use when you’re feeling anxious or stressed include:

“I am safe.”

“I am in control.”

“I can handle this.”

“I am calm and confident.”

“Everything is going to be okay.”

Relaxation Exercises:

Relaxation exercises are another great way to quickly calm down when you’re feeling anxious or stressed. These exercises can help to lower your heart rate and blood pressure, and they also promote muscle relaxation.

There are many different relaxation exercises that you can do, but some simple ones include progressive muscle relaxation, visualization, and autogenic.

To do progressive muscle relaxation, start by tensing and relaxing each muscle group in your body, starting with your toes and moving up to your head. As you tense each muscle group, breathe in deeply and hold your breath for a few seconds. Then, exhale and relax the muscle group as you breathe out.

For visualization, close your eyes and imagine yourself in a peaceful and calming place. This can be anywhere that you feel safe and relaxed, such as a beach, a meadow, or even your own home. Visualize every detail of this place, including the colors, smells, and sounds.

Autogenic is a relaxation technique that involves repeating positive phrases to yourself while focusing on the sensations in your body. For example, you might repeat the phrase “my arms are heavy” as you focus on the sensation of your arms getting heavier.

Other autogenic phrases that you can use include: “my legs are heavy,” “my stomach is calm,” and “my breathing is slow and deep.”

These are just a few examples of how to quickly calm yourself down when you’re feeling anxious or stressed. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, so experiment with different techniques until you find the ones that work best for you. And if you’re ever feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out to a friend or therapist for support.


How can I calm down quickly?

There are many different ways to calm down quickly, but some simple and effective techniques include deep breathing, positive self-talk, and relaxation exercises.

What is the best way to calm down?

The best way to calm down depends on the individual. Some people find deep breathing to be helpful, while others prefer relaxation exercises or positive self-talk. Experiment with different techniques until you find the ones that work best for you.

What should I do if I can’t calm down?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and unable to calm down, it’s important to reach out for help. This could mean talking to a friend or therapist or even calling a crisis hotline.


There are many different ways to calm down when you’re feeling anxious or stressed. Some effective techniques include deep breathing, positive self-talk, and relaxation exercises. Experiment with different methods until you find the ones that work best for you. And if you’re ever feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to seek support from a friend or therapist.