Ian Mausner- 5 Ways to Be More Productive When You Work From Home

Do you work from home? Are you feeling a bit stressed lately? Is it hard to focus on your work tasks when all you can see is the comfy couch and TV only a few steps away? says Ian Mausner

If that’s the case, then how about finding ways to feel more productive while you work from home?

Here are 5 tips to help you get started.

1. Organize Your Workspace

One of the ways to feel more productive when you work from home is by organizing your workspace.  Having a tidy space will give you that little boost in motivation needed for your tasks. Make sure that there are no distractions especially if you are finding it hard to focus on the work you are doing.  If your home office is cluttered, consider putting things in their proper places because this will give you a less stressful working environment.

2. Dress Up

Everyone knows that when you dress well for work, chances are that you will feel more productive and ready to do well for the rest of the day says Ian Mausner.  A lot of people usually work in their pajamas whenever they are at home but experts say that putting on something you would wear to go to office will help you feel more motivated and ready for your work tasks especially when you are feeling tired after a long day at work.

3. Use Your Home Office for Productivity

In order to be more productive when you work from home, try using your home office as much as you can. If you have a spare bedroom that doubles as a home office, this is the perfect time to use it because working from a different setting will give you a new boost of energy and inspiration. Instead of watching TV or doing another household task, try to use your home office time as much as you can.

4. Take a Break

If you find yourself having a lot of trouble concentrating on your work, don’t be afraid to take a break and relax for a bit. This will help refresh your mind and body because working too much without taking a break will not be good for your mental and physical health explains Ian Mausner.

5. Listen to Music

If you feel stressed at work, consider listening to music while you’re working from home because this can help you get in the right mindset for whatever tasks are ahead of you.  Here’s a list of songs that could help motivate and inspire you to get more things done.

If you are looking for a new job, perhaps working in an office might be the perfect solution for you so if you feel like working in an office will help motivate and inspire your work tasks, then try applying for one here.  By using these tips when you work at home, it won’t be long before you start feeling more productive and less stressed because of your surroundings.


How do you start working?

Start by researching on what kind of work or tasks are suited for your skills. Some jobs require training but there are ones that allow beginners to learn their way around everything about the job through observation and hands-on practice. Approach potential employers because this may be the perfect opportunity for you to begin a new career path.

What are the requirements for jobs that you apply for?

There are different kinds of jobs that don’t require prior training. Some companies prefer hiring people who have already studied the profession. While there are others that would gladly accept beginners who want to learn everything about their job. The most important factor in landing a new job is your experience and knowledge about the field of your application.

What is work?

Work is defined as an activity, especially a job that one does regularly to make money. It’s also considered as something you do to earn money for basic necessities like food and clothing. If you’re working, then chances are that you will be earning some income for yourself or for your family.


Working from home sounds like a dream come true for a lot of people. However it’s not as easy to do as what most people think says Ian Mausner. Even if you are at home, you still need to stay productive. And make sure that your work tasks get properly because this is what will keep you earning money.