Morning motivation – Tips to help you get up and get going in the morning

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t jump out of bed in the morning full of energy and excitement. It can be tough to get going and have morning motivation, especially if you’re not a morning person. But there are things you can do to make mornings less painful and even start to enjoy them.

Here are 15 tips to help you get up and get going in the morning:

1. Get enough sleep.

This may seem obvious, but it’s important to get enough rest so you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. Make sure you go to bed at a reasonable time and turn off electronics an hour before bed so you can relax and fall asleep easily.

2. Eat a healthy breakfast.

A nutritious breakfast will give you the energy you need to start your day. Skip the sugary cereal and pastries and opt for something with protein and fiber, like eggs or oatmeal.

3. Drink some water.

Dehydration can make you feel tired, so drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up. You can also keep a water bottle by your bed to sip on throughout the night so you’re not thirsty in the morning.

4. Get some fresh air.

Opening the curtains and letting in natural light will help you wake up and feel more alert. If possible, step outside for a few minutes to get some fresh air and Vitamin D from the sun.

5. Exercise.

A morning workout will get your blood flowing and give you energy for the day. Even a short walk or some simple stretches can make a big difference.

6. Take some time for yourself.

If you can, wake up a few minutes early so you have some time to yourself before starting your day. Use this time to do something you enjoy, like reading, meditating, or writing in a journal.

7. Make your bed.

Starting your day with a small accomplishment can give you a sense of accomplishment and help you feel more productive. Plus, it’ll make your bedroom look neater and more inviting at the end of the day.

8. Set an intention for the day.

Before you start your day, take a moment to think about what you want to accomplish. This can help you stay focused and motivated throughout the day.

9. Plan ahead.

Making a plan for your day can help you make better use of your time and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Take a few minutes the night before to write down what you need to do the next day, and then check things off as you go.

10. Don’t hit the snooze button.

Hitting the snooze button may give you a few extra minutes of sleep, but it’s also likely to make you feel groggier when you wake up. If you can, set your alarm for when you actually need to get up and stick to it.

11. Avoid electronics.

Using your phone or checking email first thing in the morning can add to your stress levels and make it harder to focus on what’s important. If possible, avoid using electronics for at least the first hour after waking up.

12. Make time for breakfast.

Skipping breakfast can make you feel tired and sluggish, so try to make time for a healthy meal in the morning. Even if you’re not hungry when you wake up, having a small snack like yogurt or fruit can give you the energy you need to start your day.

13. Listen to music.

Putting on some upbeat music can help you wake up and feel more positive about the day ahead. Make a playlist of your favorite songs to listen to while you’re getting ready in the morning.

14. Take a shower.

Taking a hot shower can help you wake up and relax your muscles. Plus, it’ll make you feel more put together for the day ahead.

15. Connect with loved ones.

Starting your day by talking to or spending time with loved ones can help you feel happy and connected. Whether you give them a call, send a text, or just spend a few minutes chatting, taking the time to connect will make your day better.


To have morning motivation and waking up in the morning can be tough, but there are a few things you can do to make it easier. Try to go to bed at a reasonable time and turn off electronics an hour before bed so you can relax and fall asleep easily. Eat a healthy breakfast and drink some water when you wake up, then get some fresh air and exercise to get your blood flowing. Take some time for yourself each day, and make sure to set an intention and plan ahead so you know what you need to accomplish. Finally, avoid hitting the snooze button and using electronics first thing in the morning, and take a shower if possible. Connecting with loved ones will also help you start your day on a positive note.