People who are happy always win the argument

Have you ever been in a relationship, whether it be friendship or romantic, where someone just seems to have an answer for everything? I know I have. People who are happy always win the argument! This is because they have learned not to argue with others and instead focus on their own happiness.

People who are happy always win the argument! They don’t bother trying to convince others of their opinions; they simply enjoy what makes them happy.


There was a time in my life when I would argue about anything and everything with pretty much any stranger that crossed my path; this was because I wanted other people’s approval so badly. But everyone else has their own problems; no one really cares what you think (or at least, they shouldn’t).

People who are happy always win the argument because they know what makes them happy and don’t feel the need to convince others of their own opinions.

If you are someone that does this as well, try not to argue with anyone about anything for a month, newsflash: you’re not going to change anyone’s mind! Arguing with people is completely pointless. It can be so draining too; it’s much better to save your energy for something more productive.

Now I’m acutely aware of why conflict arises in relationships and friendships – it creates drama. But guess what? No one really wants to hear your point of view anyway! One day I decided I was trying to convince other people that I was right (even when I wasn’t). For some reason, this made me super mad that people didn’t agree with me.

On top of this, it’s just exhausting to constantly have arguments! It makes life so much more difficult when you’re fighting all the time. And if you’re arguing with someone about something they don’t care about, then what are you really accomplishing? Nothing.

If anything, arguing is a complete waste of energy! Instead, focus on your own happiness and let other people do whatever makes them happy too. If there’s ever a disagreement between two friends or even couples, simply be open-minded and respect each other’s point of view – not everyone sees things in black and white like yourself.

I know this isn’t easy (believe me; I’m still trying to follow my own advice). But the more you practice, the easier it’ll be. And chances are if you took a step back and asked yourself: ‘Is this really worth arguing about?’ the answer will be no!

People who are happy always win the argument because they don’t waste their time arguing with other people just for fun. Also, people who are happy always win the argument because they realize that life is too short to constantly argue with others over things that don’t matter.

People who are happy always win the argument – they don’t have to convince anyone of their point of view because they’re perfectly content with themselves. And that’s what really matters!


So the next time you find yourself in an argument with someone, just remember that it’s completely pointless and it would be much better for you to focus on your own happiness. People who are happy always win the argument!

People who are happy always win the argument. They don’t bother trying to convince others of their opinions; they simply enjoy what makes them happy. Arguing with people is a complete waste of energy and can lead to endless arguments if not stopped. This article explains how people who are comfortable with themselves never have to convince anyone else. Because they know what makes them happy and that that is all that matters. Makes sense as you cannot convince people who don’t want to be convinced. People should focus on their own happiness and not try to convince other people of their opinions if they already know what makes them happy. This concentration on happiness rather than trying to convince others will lead to a happier life. As concentration can then be put into more productive means.

I personally think this article is right because I have experienced the argumentative state of mind myself, and it is highly draining and exhausting, not to mention frustrating when you cannot win an argument. If everyone focused instead on their own happiness no one would ever feel like they had lost because everyone would follow suit in this way of thinking, therefore winning every time by default!

Of course, there are situations where it may be important for others’ opinions to be heard, but that is not always the case. I think this article is very wise in its advice of concentrating on your own happiness before others because this will create a better life for yourself rather than wasting energy trying to convince people you are right when they do not care or want to be convinced.

People who are happy always win the argument. They don’t have to convince anyone of their point of view because they’re perfectly content with themselves. And that’s what really matters!

So do yourself a favor and try not to argue with others about anything for a month; instead, focus on your own happiness and let other people be too. It’s much easier this way!