Steps to use color theory in your home decor scheme

Color theory is the study of how colors interact and can be used to create the desired effect. It can be applied to many areas, including home decor. By understanding color theory, you can create a home decor scheme that is both beautiful and cohesive.

Hue refers to the actual color, such as red, orange, or yellow. Value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. Chroma refers to the saturation or intensity of a color.

When applying color theory to your home decor, you will need to consider all three aspects in order to create the desired effect.

  • Hue: Hue refers to the purest form of a color. It is what we typically think of when we think of a color (for example, red, blue, or yellow).
  • Value: Value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. A color can have a high value (meaning it is very light), a low value (meaning it is very dark), or anything in between.
  • Chroma: Chroma refers to the intensity or saturation of a color. A color can have a high chroma (meaning it is very saturated or bright), a low chroma (meaning it is more muted or subdued), or anything in between.

Now that you understand the three main concepts of color theory, let’s look at how you can use them in your home decor scheme.

1. Choose a color palette.

The first step is to choose a color palette. This can be done by picking one hue and then choosing colors of different values and chromas within that hue. For example, you could choose the hue of blue and then select light blue, dark blue and navy as your colors. Or, you could choose the hue of yellow and then select lemon, gold, and mustard as your colors.

2. Use a color wheel.

A color wheel can be a helpful tool in choosing colors for your home decor scheme. It can help you see how different colors relate to each other and how they will work together in your space.

3. Consider the light in your space.

The light in your space will have an impact on the colors you choose. For example, if you have a lot of natural light, you may want to use brighter colors. If you have less natural light, you may want to use darker colors.

4. Think about the mood you want to create.

Different colors can create different moods in your home. For example, warmer colors like red or orange can create a cozy and inviting feeling. Cooler colors like blue or green can create a more calming and serene feeling.

5. Use color to highlight certain features.

Color can be used to highlight certain features in your home. For example, if you have beautiful hardwood floors, you may want to use a darker color on the walls to make them pop. Or, if you have an amazing view, you may want to use light colors in the space to keep it feeling airy and open.

When it comes to using color theory in your home decor scheme, there are no hard and fast rules. The most important thing is to experiment and find what works best for you and your space.

Color theory can be a useful tool in decorating your home. By understanding the basics of color theory, you can create a scheme that is both beautiful and cohesive. Keep in mind the three main aspects of color theory: hue, value, and chroma. Choose a dominant hue, and then add accent colors. Consider value by using light and dark colors. And finally, use muted or bright colors to create the desired chroma. With a little planning, you can easily apply color theory to your home decor scheme.


Color theory can be a helpful tool when planning your home decor scheme. Keep in mind the three main concepts of color theory: hue, value, and chroma. Choose a dominant hue, and then add accent colors. Consider value by using light and dark colors. And finally, use muted or bright colors to create the desired chroma. With a little planning, you can easily apply color theory to your home decor scheme.