The 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise to Help You Fall Asleep in 60 Seconds

We all know how important a good night’s sleep is for our overall health and well-being. But sometimes, no matter how tired we are, falling asleep can be a real challenge. If you’re struggling to nod off, there is a simple breathing exercise that can help you fall asleep in 60 seconds or less.

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t spend a lot of time thinking about your breathing. But the fact is, the way you breathe can have a big impact on your overall health and well-being.

One of the most important things that proper breathing does is help to oxygenate your blood. This is essential for good health, as oxygen is necessary for all of your cells and organs to function properly.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to improve your breathing is to practice the 4-7-8 breathing exercise. This technique was developed by Dr. Andrew Weil, a world-renowned leader in integrative medicine.

The 4-7-8 breathing exercise is incredibly simple and only takes a few minutes to do. Plus, it can be done anywhere, at any time. And best of all, it’s absolutely free!

Here’s how it works:

1. Start by exhaling completely through your mouth.

2. Next, close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four.

3. Hold your breath for a count of seven.

4. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight.

5. This is one breath. Now inhale again and repeat the cycle three more times for a total of four breaths.

The 4-7-8 breathing exercise is a great way to calm down and relax. It can be used any time you’re feeling stressed or anxious, or when you’re having trouble falling asleep.

This breathing exercise is also sometimes called “the relaxation response” because it helps to induce the body’s natural relaxation response. The relaxation response is a state of mind and body that promotes healing and recovery from stress and illness.

When you practice the 4-7-8 breathing exercises on a regular basis, you can help to reduce your stress levels and improve your overall health. So why not give it a try today? You might be surprised at how well it works!


1. How long should I do the 4-7-8 breathing exercise?

You can do the 4-7-8 breathing exercise for as long as you like. However, for best results, it is recommended that you do it for at least four minutes.

2. Can I do the 4-7-8 breathing exercise more than once a day?

Yes, you can do the 4-7-8 breathing exercise multiple times a day if you like. However, it is not necessary to do it more than once a day. One is typically sufficient.

3. Is there anything I should not do while doing the 4-7-8 breathing exercise?

No, there is nothing you should not do while doing the 4-7-8 breathing exercise. However, it is important to make sure that you are not holding your breath during the exercise. If you find yourself holding your breath, simply resume normal breathing and start again.

4. Can I do the 4-7-8 breathing exercise while pregnant?

Yes, the 4-7-8 breathing exercise is safe for pregnant women to do. However, as with all exercises, it is always best to check with your doctor first.

5. Can children do the 4-7-8 breathing exercise?

Yes, children can do the 4-7-8 breathing exercise. However, it is best to supervise them while they are doing it. In addition, be sure to explain the exercise to them in simple terms so that they understand how to do it correctly.

6. Will the 4-7-8 breathing exercise make me drowsy?

No, the 4-7-8 breathing exercise will not make you drowsy. In fact, it is often used as a way to help people fall asleep. However, if you find yourself feeling drowsy after doing the exercise, simply stop and rest for a few minutes.


The 4-7-8 breathing exercise is a simple, yet effective way to improve your breathing and overall health. It only takes a few minutes to do and can be done anywhere, at any time. Plus, it’s absolutely free! Give it a try today!