The hero’s journey: how to turn your life around after hitting rock bottom

No one’s life is perfect. We all go through tough times, make mistakes, and hit rock bottom at some point in our journey. But it’s how we deal with these difficult moments that define us as people.

When faced with adversity, some people give up and wallow in self-pity. Others find the strength to pick them up and turn their lives around. This latter group is what we call “heroes.”

The hero’s journey is a term used in narrative theory to describe the typical pattern of human development. It begins with the hero (or protagonist) being born into an ordinary world. They then face a series of challenges or trials, which leads them to discover their true potential. Once they have realized their full potential, they return to their original world and use their newfound knowledge to help others.

We can all be heroes. It doesn’t matter how big or small our challenges are. What matters is that we have the courage to face them head-on and come out the other side stronger and wiser.

Whether you’re facing a major life crisis or just trying to make some positive changes in your life, the hero’s journey can be a helpful framework for understanding the process of personal transformation.

The steps of the hero’s journey are:

1. The Ordinary World:

This is the hero’s everyday life before they embark on their journey. Everything is relatively normal and calm at this stage.

2. The Call to Adventure:

Something happens that shakes up the hero’s ordinary world and sets them on their journey. This can be an external event, like receiving a call to action, or an internal event, like having a life-changing epiphany.

3. Refusal of the Call:

At first, the hero resists the call to adventure. They may be scared or unsure of themselves. This is a normal reaction and usually leads to the hero being pushed outside of their comfort zone.

4. Meeting the Mentor:

The hero meets someone who believes in them and helps them prepare for the challenges ahead. The mentor could be a teacher, parent, friend, or even a magical guide.

5. Crossing the Threshold:

The hero finally decides to accept the call to adventure and enters into the unknown. This is a scary but exciting moment that marks the beginning of their journey.

6. The Trials:

The hero faces a series of challenges or obstacles on their journey. These trials test their skills and character and help them to grow as a person.

7. The Approach:

As the hero gets closer to their goal, they begin to develop a plan or strategy for achieving it. This is often when the stakes are highest and the challenges are most difficult.

8. The Ordeal:

The hero reaches their lowest point and must confront their greatest fear. This is a make-or-break moment that will either lead to success or failure.

9. The Reward:

After overcoming the ordeal, the hero is rewarded with something they desire. This could be knowledge, power, love, or even just a sense of satisfaction.

10. The Return:

The hero returns to their original world and shares what they have learned with others. This final step is important because it allows the hero to help others who are facing similar challenges.

We all go through tough times in our lives. It’s how we deal with these difficult moments that define us as people. When faced with adversity, some people give up and wallow in self-pity. Others find the strength to pick them up and turn their lives around. This latter group is what we call “heroes.”


The hero’s journey is a term used in narrative theory to describe the typical pattern of human development. It begins with the hero (or protagonist) being born into an ordinary world. They then face a series of challenges or trials, which leads them to discover their true potential. Once they have realized their full potential, they return to their original world and use their newfound knowledge to help others.

We can all be heroes. It doesn’t matter how big or small our challenges are. What matters is that we have the courage to face them head-on and come out the other side stronger and wiser.

Whether you’re facing a major life crisis or just trying to make some positive changes in your life, the hero’s journey can be a helpful framework for understanding the process of personal transformation.