The secret to finding a happy ending

Boy meets girl, the two fall in love and gets married. A story as old as time. But what if I told you that this is not how it always ends? What if I told you that there’s a secret ingredient to finding a happy ending? An ingredient that will bring more joy into your relationship than any other thing before!

This recipe has been around for centuries but many people did not know about it or did not realize its true potential until recently. It originated from ancient Roman times and was used by emperors to keep their relationships alive. It is called: The 3-second rule for happy endings.

The 3 second rule for happy endings:

The premise of the three-second rule is simple; you have three seconds after interaction with your spouse to make them feel loved. It is the only ingredient needed to keep your relationship healthy and happy.

If you want to know more about how the 3 second rule can bring you and your partner closer together, read on!

The three second rule: How it works?

This phenomenon was first documented in a study by Harvard psychologist John Gottman (1959). The study showed that there were four ways we could speak to our spouse: With anger, disgust, with sadness and finally with love. They demonstrated that when these moments of positivity were spread out evenly over time, the couple was much happier than those couples who were not as positive and had many negative interactions. Well-fought positive moments outweigh any quantity of negativity tenfold! We now apply this rule to all sorts of relationships and we’ve found that it is indeed a very powerful tool.

The three second rule: How do I use it?

When you interact with your spouse, you should try and make them feel loved and appreciated every single time. This means that after interacting with them, you have three seconds in which to leave them feeling good about themselves. Don’t worry, only the most minor interactions count! That’s right even when your husband gives you an ugly look when he comes home or your wife snubs her nose at something you said – they still count towards making people happy.

This might seem like too much work; but this is not the case at all! It requires almost no effort on our part! This is because those three seconds that you have to make them feel good are automatic.

You see, as humans we have a very strong survival instinct. We want to survive and live another day! For this reason, we have chemical reactions in our brains – the release of dopamine – which will help us feel great when we experience something nice or positive. The same thing happens when someone says something positive to us.

We now know that this tiny brain reaction happens so quickly and so automatically that there is no way for it not to happen during an interaction with your partner. You can think about it like a reflex action; instead of releasing that jolt of electricity from your knee whenever you hit it against a hard surface, you’re releasing a tiny burst of chemicals to make yourself feel good. You can think of the 3 second rule as a way to harness and multiply this reaction.

The three second rule: How can it help me?

Now that we know what the three second rule is and how it works, we can start thinking about ways that we could use it in our own lives!

Here are some examples:

The wife asks her husband for help around the house, he tells her no and walks away – she releases a burst of anger towards him. But if instead, every single time they interact she tries to leave him feeling loved and accepted, then there will be so many more positive moments than negative ones! Even when she feels angry or sad towards him, and he responds with annoyance or sadness back, she still releases that tiny burst of dopamine because she’s being nice.

The husband asks his wife for help around the house, she tells him no and walks away – he talks about it with his buddies at work. But every single time they interact, instead of releasing anger or feeling sad towards her, he is releasing dopamine because she makes him feel good! Imagine what this would mean for their relationship over the years! Or maybe you’re in a similar situation? What are three second rule can do for your marriage?

Here are some other ways to use the 3-second rule:

Tell someone that you appreciate something they said or did. Remind each other of great times that you previously shared together. Smile more often when you are near your partner. Compliment them when they do something well or when something that they did pleases you. Oftentimes, it’s easier to be negative than to be positive – but if both partners use the three second rule in their relationships, then positivity will soon take over!


Happiness is a choice. Those who choose to focus on happiness find themselves feeling much better about life and facing fewer obstacles along the way. There are lots of ways in which we can become happier in life, but one of the most important things is being more positive towards people around us. Happiness comes from within ourselves – not from others – so there are no limits to how far our positivity could affect those around us! By making other people around us feel good, we can trigger those tiny dopamine responses and make ourselves happier as a result.