The top 5 tips on finding happiness

In this day and age, everyone wants to be happy. In the current materialistic world we live in, happiness is often equated with wealth and possessions. People work long hours to be able to afford a house, a car, and other things that will bring them happiness. Being wealthy does not necessarily equate to being happy though as it brings its own set of problems such as having more choices but also more stress from making those choices.

In order to find true happiness, you need to realize what would make you really happy and what would not. It isn’t easy though because society has ingrained in us the idea that money equals happiness so it can be quite difficult for people who are unhappy with their financial situation or for those on low income.

Here are 5 tips on how to find happiness:

1. Don’t compare yourself to others

This one is perhaps the most difficult tip to follow. We live in a world that encourages competition and there’s always someone better than you or something more you should be doing if you want to be successful. Don’t try to compete with your friends, family or colleagues; just focus on being happy with what you’re doing.  

2. Try new things – get out of your comfort zone

If you don’t try anything new, you will not experience anything different so it is down to us as individuals to take the initiative and do something different for our own benefit instead of waiting around for change. One of the main reasons people are unhappy is because they feel trapped in a job or lifestyle that doesn’t satisfy them. Trying new things can lead to unexpected opportunities so you never know where it will take you!

3. Exercise

Regular exercise releases endorphins into our system which help to relieve stress and anxiety by acting as natural anti-depressants. It has also been proven that exercising regularly increases your confidence levels which make everyday life more bearable.

4. Be grateful for what you have

People are too quick to complain about their problems instead of being grateful for what they have, even if it isn’t much. Every little thing in life has some form of beauty whether it’s the rain bouncing off the pavements after a summer day or the feeling of a cold breeze on a hot day. Be grateful for every little thing because it adds up eventually.

5. Smile

We’ve all been in that situation where you see someone smile and then smile too without even knowing why. Smiling has a positive effect on us, so do it more often! Even if you don’t feel like smiling, try forcing yourself to smile anyway because the brain cannot tell the difference between a fake and real smile so it works just as well  

Here are some FAQs recently asked by our readers:

What are the best tips for to finding happiness?

The top 5 tips on finding happiness are given above. Please read it carefully!

What is the formula for finding happiness?

There is no one size fits all formula, but just does what you think will make you happy. If that doesn’t work then try something else! Try not to compare yourself with others because it can lead to depression and unhappiness. Lastly, try new things so you don’t get stuck in a rut or remain unhappy about your current lifestyle. You never know where it will take you!

How does being grateful affect us emotionally? What are the benefits of feeling gratitude?

Feeling grateful makes we feel good about ourselves and it’s really nice to make people happy. It is infectious too because when we see someone grateful, we feel motivated to be grateful as well and we start smiling for no reason at all!

What is the connection between gratitude and finding happiness?

Gratitude makes us think about what we have instead of worrying about our problems or shortcomings.

  What tips would you give to find happiness?

Try new things! Life is much more interesting that way! I just want to point out that this blog and its content are not affiliated with any website so if the information here has been helpful then please tell your friends/family. There’s a link below where you can follow me on Facebook and twitter so if you would like to be updated about my blog then click here. Now I’m going to go and do some happy things!


In conclusion, happiness is not about how much money you have or what your job is, but rather about following your passion and being content with which you are as an individual. My personal opinion is that you should find a job or lifestyle that’s fulfilling and makes you happy. Having said that, I must also say that being happy is a very subjective thing so what may make me happy, may not be the same as what will make you happy! One last tip: don’t let people tell you what to do because it can lead to unhappiness if you feel pressured into doing something. Whatever your choice of action is, choose it for yourself and not for anyone else!