Tips for Saving Money on Boat Insurance

Saving Money-Boat insurance is a must for any vessel owner, but it doesn’t have to be expensive.

Here are 17 tips to get the best deal on boat insurance.

Shop around:

Insurance companies offer a variety of coverage options and prices. It’s important to compare quotes from several insurers to make sure you’re getting the best deal.

Ask about discounts:

Many insurers offer discounts for things like safety devices and taking boating courses. Be sure to ask about any discounts that may apply to you.

Raise your deductible:

A higher deductible will lower your premium, but make sure you can afford to pay the deductible if you have a claim.

Choose the right coverage:

Don’t skimp on coverage just to save money. Make sure you have the right coverage for your needs.

Bundle your policies:

You may be able to saving money by bundling your boat insurance with your auto or home policy.

Check out group plans:

Some organizations offer group boat insurance plans that can be cheaper than individual policies.

Pay annually:

Many insurers offer a discount for paying your premium all at once.

Get quotes from multiple companies:

Insurance companies offer a variety of coverage options and prices. It’s important to compare quotes from several insurers to make sure you’re getting the best deal.

Acquire a policy that covers property damage and bodily injury:

A lower deductible will mean a higher premium, but this type of comprehensive policy is worth the cost.

Research state-specific laws:

Each state has different requirements for boat insurance. Make sure you’re familiar with the laws in your state before you buy a policy.

Take advantage of technology:

Some insurers offer discounts for installing tracking devices or other safety features on your boat.

Join a boating club:

Some clubs offer group insurance plans that can save you money on your premium.

Check your credit score:

A good credit score can help you get a lower rate on your boat insurance.

Avoid lapses in coverage:

If you let your policy lapse, you may have to pay a higher premium to reinstate it. It’s important to keep your coverage up to date.

Ask about usage-based insurance:

Some insurers offer discounts for boat owners who don’t use their vessel often.

Check for errors on your credit report:

If you find an error on your credit report, you can dispute it and improve your credit score.

Monitor your policy:

Be sure to review your policy regularly to make sure it still meets your needs.

These are just a few tips to help you save money on boat insurance. By shopping around and being aware of discounts, you can make sure you’re getting the best deal possible on your policy.


1. How much does boat insurance cost?

The cost of boat insurance varies depending on a number of factors, including the type of vessel, the coverage you select, and the insurer you choose.

2. What does boat insurance cover?

Boat insurance typically covers damage to your vessel, as well as property damage and bodily injury liability.

3. Do I need boat insurance?

Most states require some form of boat insurance for vessels that are used in navigable waters. Even if it’s not required by law, it’s still a good idea to have coverage in case of an accident.

4. How can I get the best deal on boat insurance?

You can get the best deal on boat insurance by shopping around, asking about discounts, and choosing the right coverage for your needs.

5. What should I do if I have a claim?

If you have a claim, you should contact your insurer as soon as possible. They will likely need some information from you, such as the details of the accident and any damage that occurred.


Boat insurance is an important type of coverage to have if you own a vessel. The cost of the insurance will vary depending on a number of factors, but there are ways to save money on your premium.

There are a few things you can do to make sure you’re getting the best deal on boat insurance. By shopping around, being aware of discounts, and choosing the right coverage for your needs, you can save money on your premium.