When You Can’t Call A Plumber, DIY Tips For Quick Fixes!

Here is when You Can’t Call A Plumber, DIY Tips For Quick Fixes!

I know it’s been a long time coming since I’ve been on here, but the truth is, once you have kids your life changes. Everything from their first words to their first steps is recorded and saved for future generations! You must document every second of their lives so that when they grow up they will understand how much love was present during each moment. But if you don’t believe me just ask my parents about the 20 years worth of photo albums I’ve given them.

Anyway, enough about me and my personal life (for now). I am here today to talk to you about your plumbing problems. We all wish we had a magic wand that we could wave over our home and fix every problem with the twist of a knob or flick of a wrist, but alas we do not. It is important for us homeowners to be able to identify plumbing problems within our homes and then know how to take care of them on our own without calling a Plumber.

So next time you have a leaky faucet, an overflowing toilet, clogged drain, or any other pesky plumbing issue don’t call in the big guys just yet!

Are you the type of person who is too proud to call a plumber? Maybe you don’t trust them. Or maybe they are just too pricey for your blood! Whatever the reason, there are some home repairs that you can do on your own if you’re willing to put in just a little time and effort. And it’s not as hard as it seems! Many people think that only licensed professionals should handle plumbing, electrical wiring or any other fix-it-up job that requires special knowledge or equipment. This couldn’t be further from the truth – anyone with hands and basic know-how can complete many household tasks quickly and easily!

Check out these 5 quick DIY tips below:

1) Leaky Faucet

When your faucet starts dripping, you have to call a plumber right away. However, there’s no need to wait for an expensive service call before you address the problem. If the shut-off valves under your sink are readily accessible, simply turn them off until you can get the leaky faucet fixed. Then, purchase some faucet washers at your local hardware store or home improvement center and replace them yourself! You’ll save yourself some cash by not having to hire someone else.

2) Clogged Toilet

If it’s tough to flush your toilet, this could be because of clogs caused by too much paper, wipes or other debris stuck in the drainpipe below your commode. Before calling a pricey plumber, try using a plunger to clear the blockage. First, fill your toilet bowl with enough water to cover the rubber tip of the plunger as you push and pull it up and down. This should generate enough pressure to pop out any clogs from the drainpipe.

3) Showerhead Drips

Over time, mineral deposits can accumulate inside your showerhead and eventually cause a leak, which results in an annoying drip every time you turn on your faucet. Here’s a little trick that will stop this small problem before it becomes a big one: Remove your shower head from its mount and soak it in vinegar overnight or until there is no more buildup inside or around the opening where the water comes out. You should be able to save a lot of money by doing this simple fix yourself!

4) Slow Draining Sink

In addition to water, your sink drains collect hair and soap scum from time to time. This can cause a blockage that eventually stops up to your drain and results in a sink full of “dirty” water. But there’s an easy fix: Pour ½ cup baking soda into the drain, followed by ½ cup vinegar – – Now just let it sit for a few minutes before running very hot water through the drain. This will help clear any clogs as well as kill off any mold or mildew that may have formed inside your pipes.

5) Broken Appliance

Quite often DIY repairs are appropriate when dealing with a busted toaster or blender. With a little bit of investigation, you can usually find the problem and have your appliance up and running again in no time – – If it’s a simple fix, that is! In many cases, the wire leads to certain components are exposed as they should be plugged into an electrical socket. This type of wiring is meant for easy repair because it allows the user to simply tug on any exposed wires to remove them from their sockets.


In conclusion, there’s no reason why you cannot do these types of repairs yourself. After all, saving money is better than spending big bucks for a professional service call! Give these quick DIY tips a try and save some money today!