10 Reasons Not To Use an Electric Space Heater and Alternatives Instead

Here are 10 Reasons Not To Use an Electric Space Heater and Alternatives Instead:

1. In the past, heating appliances have been responsible for fires and deaths in homes due to improper use or lack of proper maintenance. Make sure you know how to operate your heater safely and inspect it regularly for damage or excess dirt.

2. They can be a fire hazard if left on unintentionally when not being used properly. If an electrical appliance is forgotten about, the internal element might overheat and catch fire. Ensure that you turn off all space heaters before going to bed or leaving your home.

3. Electricity leaks are a prime source of fires, so always check around wires and sockets, which get warm during operation.

4. Having more than one electric heater may cause an overload to certain circuits in your home, which could cause a fire.

5. The heating element in an electric heater gets very hot when in use. Not only can this cause burns when touched, but also damage any nearby flammable objects when left unattended. Make sure you keep the appliance away from items that could be damaged by heat, such as pillows, bedding, clothing, furniture etc…

6. If you are using an extension cord with your heater for convenience, be aware that they get warm during use and can present a fire hazard if placed near other materials that can catch on fire easily. Never place anything over or under the cord that might trap heat.

7. Never unplug or turn off your space heater by the plug only. Always unplug it from the main source.

8. Be aware that most space heaters are intended for indoor use only. If you have an electric fireplace, make sure to place it on a hard surface and away from flammable objects such as curtains or bedding.

9. Most appliances get warm during operation, so don’t touch them if they’ve been left unattended for a while. This is important to remember when using your heater near children because there have been cases where kids who were curious about the appliance touched it and got burned or worse yet , pulled it down onto themselves and got severely injured.

10. When buying a new heater, look for with automatic shut-off features, which turn the appliance off when it gets tipped over or overheats.

Alternatives to using an electric space heater include:

1. Heating your room with your central heating system, provided you have one in place. This is very convenient because it warms up the entire house and turns on only when needed, but it can be expensive to run overtime if you leave home for long periods of time each day.

2. investing in an adjustable thermostat like the Honeywell CT87N Digital Thermostat Programmable 24-Hour Heat Pump. It allows you to set a program for different times throughout the day so that your heater doesn’t work while no one’s home or while asleep at night. You can also manually adjust the temperature at your convenience.

3. A cheaper alternative to a digital thermostat is a basic one with a DIY set-up that you can find DIY tutorials for on the internet. You will need to prepare your electric heater though, by replacing the plug or controller in order for it not to turn off automatically when switched from “on” position. In this case, an electrician is recommended to install such advanced safety features in order not to cause damage or fire hazards.

4. Using a portable heat lamp instead of an electric space heater. If indoor heating isn’t necessary and you just need a small source of heat for your limited space.

5. Living without heating completely during winter is also another option. It’s the cheapest, but coldest.


1. Why does my heater get hot and smoke when I turn it on?

This is a sign that something is wrong with the wiring or if it’s not an actual fire, your components might be malfunctioning and need servicing by a professional. Disconnect your heater immediately and don’t use it until you figure out what’s wrong with it. (ADVISORY: This issue could also mean that you have faulty wiring in your home, which can cause fire)

2. Do I really need to unplug my space heater completely from the wall socket before going to bed at night?

Yes, this will ensure that no energy flows through the appliance and keeps you safe from electric shocks while sleeping or accidental fires. It will also save you money in the long run because your electric bill won’t be inflated by leaving on appliances/lights overnight.


To ensure your safety while using a space heater, make sure to follow these guidelines and remember the number one rule: “If you don’t know, ask!!”

An electrician can help you learn more about the safe usage of your appliance or install new features that will protect you from accidents.