12 Simple Tips for Getting Cheap Car Insurance Coverage 


Car insurance is a necessary evil for most drivers. But it doesn’t have to be as expensive as you think.

Here are 12 simple tips for getting cheap car insurance coverage.

1. Shop around for the best rates.

The best way to get cheap car insurance is to shop around and compare rates from different companies. There are a few ways to do this:

  • Use an online comparison tool like Comparethemarket.com or GoCompare.com.
  • Contact insurers directly and get quotes over the phone or online.
  • Use a broker who can search the market on your behalf.

2. Consider a telematics policy.

Telematics policies, also known as black box insurance, can offer cheaper rates for safe and low-mileage drivers. This is because you’re judged on your driving habits rather than just your age, gender and location.

3. Join a car club.

If you’re a member of certain car clubs, such as the AA or RAC, you could get a discount on your insurance.

4. Drive less.

The less you drive, the lower your risk of having an accident and making a claim, so insurers will give you a lower rate if you can prove you don’t clock up many miles.

5. Drive an older car.

Older cars are usually cheaper to insure than newer ones because they’re not worth as much money, so there’s less to lose if they’re stolen or damaged.

6. Pay annually.

If you can afford to, it’s usually cheaper to pay for your insurance in one lump sum rather than in monthly installments. This is because insurers often charge interest on monthly payments.

7. Increase your excess.

The excess is the amount you have to pay towards any claims you make, so if you’re willing to pay more of your own money towards a claim, you could get a cheaper premium. Just make sure you can afford to pay the excess if you do have an accident.

8. Improve your security.

Making your car more secure could help to lower your rates. Some things you can do include fitting an alarm or immobilizer, parking in a garage or well-lit area, and using steering locks and wheel clamps.

9. Consider third-party cover.

Third-party insurance is the minimum level of cover required by law in the UK, so it’s the cheapest option. However, it only covers other people if you have an accident and doesn’t cover your own vehicle.

10. Drive safely.

Your driving history is one of the biggest factors that insurers look at when working out your premium, so if you have a clean record you’re more likely to get a cheaper quote.

11. Take a driving course.

If you’ve been convicted of a motoring offense or had an accident, taking a driving course could help to reduce your premium.

12. Look for discounts.

Many insurers offer discounts for things like having a clean driving record, being a member of a certain organization, or installing security devices in your car. It’s worth asking about any discounts that might apply to you.

When it comes to car insurance, there are a lot of factors that play into how much you pay each month. But there are some simple things you can do to get cheap car insurance coverage. By shopping around, considering a telematics policy, joining a car club, driving less, and improving your security, you can save money on your car insurance premium.


1. How can I get cheap car insurance?

The best way to get cheap car insurance is to shop around and compare rates from different companies. You can use an online comparison tool, contact insurers directly, or use a broker who can search the market on your behalf.

2. What is a telematics policy?

A telematics policy, also known as black box insurance, can offer cheaper rates for safe and low-mileage drivers. This is because you’re judged on your driving habits rather than just your age, gender and location.


There are a number of things you can do to get cheap car insurance. Shopping around and comparing rates from different companies is the best way to find a good deal. You can also consider a telematics policy, join a car club, drive less, and improve your security to save money on your premium.