12 Strategies for Tackling Your Fear of Failure Head On

Fear of failure can be a major obstacle to success, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right strategies in place, you can learn how to use fear as a motivator instead of an inhibitor.

Strategies for Tackling Your Fear of Failure:

1) Re-frame your definition of success:

The key to overcoming the fear of failure is changing your definition of success. Rather than seeing success as an end goal that must be achieved perfectly and without fail, start thinking about it as a process or journey with many different milestones along the way. This will help take the pressure off and make it easier to stay focused on what’s important – the progress you are making toward achieving your goals – rather than worrying about whether or not you’ll “fail”.

2) Take small steps:

Rather than trying to tackle a huge goal all at once, break it down into smaller goals that are more manageable. This will help keep you motivated and on track because each small achievement will be a step closer to the final outcome. Additionally, it will make it easier to assess progress and identify areas where you may need more work or practice.

3) Accept mistakes as part of the process:

Making mistakes is inevitable, especially when we’re learning something new. Instead of berating yourself for not being “perfect” or “failing” at something, recognize that these setbacks are part of the process and use them as an opportunity to learn and grow.

4) Surround yourself with positive people:

Negativity can be a huge obstacle to achieving your goals and overcoming fear of failure. Find friends, mentors, or colleagues who are supportive and encouraging so that you have someone to turn to for feedback and advice when things get tough.

5) Take ownership of the outcome:

Take responsibility for your actions and their outcomes – both good and bad. This will help you focus on what you can control rather than stressing about things that are out of your control. It will also give you an opportunity to reflect on past experiences and adjust your approach accordingly.

6) View failure as a learning experience:

Rather than viewing failures as catastrophic events or personal failings, start looking at them as opportunities for growth and development. With this mindset, you can approach each setback as an opportunity to learn something new and become a better version of yourself.

7) Focus on progress, not perfection:

Rather than striving for perfection, focus on the progress you are making toward your goal. This will help keep you motivated and on track because it’s easier to measure incremental improvements than it is to achieve total perfection.

8) Recognize that success takes time:

Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will your goals be achieved overnight. Keep in mind that success is a journey rather than a destination and don’t let impatience or frustration derail your progress.

9) Celebrate successes (big & small):

Recognizing and celebrating your successes, no matter how small, will help keep you motivated and encourage you to keep pushing forward. Plus, it’s a great way to remind yourself of just how far you’ve come!

10) Make failure a part of the plan:

Rather than trying to avoid failure at all costs, make it an expected and accepted part of your plan. This will help reduce the fear associated with setbacks and give you the confidence to take risks without worrying about the outcome.

11) Practice positive self-talk:

Your thoughts have powerful influence over your actions so be sure to fill your mind with positive affirmations. Remind yourself that mistakes are inevitable and use them as learning experiences rather than evidence of failure.

12) Focus on the process, not the result:

Rather than focusing solely on the end goal, shift your focus onto what you can control – namely, the process of getting there. This will help you stay motivated and focused even when setbacks occur because you’ll be able to see progress along the way.


Fear of failure is a natural and necessary part of life, but it can be incredibly damaging if left unchecked. By implementing these 12 tips, you’ll be better equipped to stay motivated and take the necessary risks to achieve your goals. So don’t let fear of failure hold you back – use it as fuel for success instead!