14 Office Decoration Ideas That Will Boost Your Creativity

If you’re looking for ways to boost your creativity at work, consider these four office decoration ideas.

From inspiring artwork to comfortable furniture, making small changes in your office environment can have a big impact on your productivity and creativity.

1. Bring in some color.

Injecting some color into your office space can help energize and inspire you. Whether it’s a vibrant piece of art or a colorful throw rug, adding a pop of color can make a big difference in how creative you feel at work.

2. Get comfortable.

Making sure you have comfortable furniture in your office is important for both your physical and mental health. If you’re constantly fidgeting or uncomfortable, it’s going to be tough to focus on your work and be creative. Invest in a good chair, and make sure your desk is at the right height for you.

3. Create an inspiration board.

One way to get your creative juices flowing is to surround yourself with inspiring images. An inspiration board is a great way to do this. Fill it with pictures of things that make you happy, places you want to visit, or quotes that motivate you.

4. Take breaks.

It might seem counterintuitive, but taking breaks can actually help you be more productive and creative. Stepping away from your work for a few minutes will give you time to clear your head and come back with fresh ideas.

5. Let in some natural light.

Natural light has been shown to boost mood and productivity, so it’s no surprise that it can also help with creativity. If possible, try to set up your office near a window where you can get some sunlight during the day.

6. Play some music.

Listening to music can help you focus and feel more creative. It can also be a great way to relieve stress when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Make sure to choose music that relaxes and energizes you, rather than music that will distract you.

7. Get organized.

It might seem like the organization has nothing to do with creativity, but being organized can actually free up your brain power to focus on more creative tasks. Having a place for everything and knowing where things are will help you feel more in control and less stressed, which can lead to more creativity.

8. Keep a notepad handy.

You never know when inspiration will strike, so it’s important to be prepared. Keeping a notepad or laptop nearby will help you capture your ideas before they slip away.

9. Take walks.

Walking is a great way to boost your creativity. Getting some fresh air and moving your body can help clear your head and give you new perspectives on problems. If you can’t leave the office, try taking a walk around the block or even just around the office.

10. Stimulate your senses.

Surrounding yourself with stimulating sensory experiences can help jumpstart your creativity. This could include things like diffusing essential oils, playing soft music, or even just having a plant in your office.

11. Dress for success.

What you wear can actually have an impact on your mood and how creative you feel. Dressing in clothes that make you feel confident and comfortable will help you be more productive and creative.

12. Drink plenty of water.

Staying hydrated is important for your overall health, but it can also impact your creativity. When you’re dehydrated, you’re more likely to feel tired and sluggish, which can make it tough to be creative. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your mind sharp.

13. Eat healthy snacks.

What you eat can have a big impact on your energy and creativity levels. Eating unhealthy snacks will make you feel tired and sluggish, while healthy snacks will help you feel alert and focused. Choose snacks that are high in protein and fiber, such as nuts or fruits.

14. Get enough sleep.

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for your health and well-being, but it can also impact your creativity. When you’re well-rested, you’re more likely to be productive and creative. Make sure to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night to function at your best.


So there you have it–four office decoration ideas to help boost your creativity. By surrounding yourself with inspiring images, taking breaks, letting in natural light, and dressing for success, you can create an environment that is conducive to creativity. With a little effort, you can transform your office into a space that is both productive and creative.