15 Best Ideas for creating a minimalist home decor style

Many people are drawn to the clean, uncluttered look of minimalist home decor. This style is all about simplicity and function, with a focus on clean lines and minimal adornment.

If you’re interested in creating a minimalist aesthetic in your own home, there are 15 tips you can follow to get started.

1. Stick to a neutral color palette. 

To create a truly minimalist look, stick to a muted color palette. This doesn’t mean that your home has to be entirely devoid of color – you can still use accent pieces to add visual interest. But for the most part, stick to neutrals like white, black, and grey.

2. Get rid of clutter. 

One of the defining characteristics of minimalism is the absence of clutter. If you want to achieve this look in your own home, it’s important to get rid of any items that you don’t use on a regular basis. This includes things like knick-knacks, excess furniture, and old clothes.

3. Simplify your decor. 

Another key element of minimalist design is simplicity. When choosing decor for your home, opt for pieces that are functional and have clean lines. Avoid anything superfluous or overly ornate.

4. Invest in quality furnishings. 

Since minimalist design is all about function, it’s important to invest in quality furnishings that will last for years to come. This doesn’t mean that you have to spend a fortune – you can find well-made pieces at a variety of price points.

5. Edit your belongings. 

Part of the minimalist aesthetic is having fewer belongings. This doesn’t mean that you have to get rid of everything you own, but it’s important to edit your possessions down to only the essentials.

6. Store items out of sight. 

To keep your home looking clean and uncluttered, it’s important to store items out of sight when they’re not in use. This includes things like dishes, books, and electronics.

7. Get rid of excess furniture. 

One way to make your home look more minimalist is to get rid of any excess furniture. If you have pieces that you don’t use on a regular basis, consider selling or donating them.

8. Choose multipurpose furniture. 

When selecting furniture for your home, look for pieces that serve more than one purpose. This could include a coffee table that doubles as a storage unit or a daybed that can be used as a sofa.

9. Incorporate open shelving. 

Open shelving is a great way to achieve a minimalist look because it allows you to store items out of sight while still keeping them within reach. Plus, it looks clean and uncluttered.

10. Hideaway technology. 

While technology is a necessary part of modern life, it can be disruptive to a minimalist aesthetic. To avoid this, try to hide away technology when it’s not in use. This could mean storing cords and wires out of sight or investing in wireless chargers.

11. Keep surfaces clear. 

In a minimalist home, surfaces should be clear of any clutter or debris. This includes things like countertops, tables, and floors. If possible, try to keep only essential items on display.

12. Use natural light. 

Maximizing the use of natural light is a great way to make your home feel more open and airy. If possible, try to keep windows uncovered and let in as much sunlight as possible.

13. Use mirrors wisely. 

Mirrors are a great way to create the illusion of more space. When used wisely, they can make a small room feel larger and brighter.

14. Hang art with intention. 

Art can be a great way to add visual interest to a room, but it’s important to hang it with intention. In a minimalist home, less is usually more – so choose a few pieces that you love and hang them in strategic locations.

15. Decorate with plants. 

Plants are a great way to add color and life to a room without overwhelming it. Plus, they help purify the air and improve indoor air quality.


When it comes to minimalism, less is definitely more. By following these 15 tips, you can achieve the minimalist look in your own home decor.