19 Tips for Arranging Furniture in Small Spaces 

Here are the 19 Tips for Arranging Furniture in Small Spaces

1. Let go of the idea that all your furniture has to match.

A mix of different styles can add visual interest and make a small space feel less like a furniture showroom and more like a home.

2. Don’t be afraid to use large pieces of furniture in a small space.

A big sofa or armoire can actually help anchor a room and make it feel larger.

3. Use mirrors to visually expand a space.

Mirrors reflect light and create the illusion of more space, so they’re ideal for small rooms.

4. Think vertically when it comes to storage.

Utilize wall space with shelving or hanging racks to keep things off the floor and open up the room.

5. Use multifunctional furniture.

Look for pieces that can serve more than one purpose, such as a coffee table that doubles as a storage ottoman.

6. Consider floating furniture.

Wall-mounted or freestanding shelves can hold books, pictures, and plants while freeing up floor space.

7. Create zones for different activities.

In a small space, it’s important to designate areas for different purposes, such as a seating area, work station, or dining area.

8. Use furniture with hidden storage.

Ottomans, coffee tables, and other pieces with built-in storage are perfect for small spaces because they help keep the room tidy.

9. Keep the scale of furniture in mind.

In a small space, it’s important to choose furniture that is appropriately sized. Avoid oversize pieces or bulky furniture that will make the room feel cramped.

10. Get rid of unnecessary furniture.

If you don’t need it, get rid of it! Too much furniture can make a small space feel cluttered and cramped.

11. Use light-colored furniture.

Light-colored furniture will help make a small room feel brighter and more airy.

12. Arrange furniture around your focal point.

Whether it’s a fireplace, television, or window, arrange your furniture around your room’s focal point to create a natural flow to the space.

13. Use furniture to define the edges of a room.

In an open-concept space, use furniture to create distinct areas and define the edges of each room.

14. Anchor your furniture groupings with a rug.

Rugs help to ground furniture groupings and make a small space feel more cohesive.

15. Don’t be afraid to use color.

Bold colors can actually help make a small space feel larger by drawing the eye in and creating visual interest.

16. Consider custom furniture.

In a small space, it’s important to make the most of every square inch. Custom furniture can be designed to fit your specific needs and maximize your space.

17. Incorporate interesting details.

Small details can actually make a big impact in a small space. Adding decorative molding, wallpaper, or unique hardware can give your room a custom look.

18. Use glass furniture.

Glass furniture can help create the illusion of more space by letting light pass through.

19. Be patient!

Arranging furniture in a small space can be challenging, but it’s important to take your time and find the right pieces that work for your space. With a little patience and creativity, you can create a beautiful and functional room that you’ll love for years to come.


1. What are some tips for arranging furniture in a small space?

Some tips for arranging furniture in a small space include using multifunctional pieces, floating furniture, and creating zones for different activities. Additionally, it’s important to keep the scale of furniture in mind and to use light-colored pieces to make the room feel brighter.

2. How can I make my small room feel bigger?

There are a few ways to make a small room feel bigger, such as using mirrors to reflect light, utilizing wall space with shelving or hanging racks, and incorporating glass furniture. Additionally, you can try painting the walls a light color or using bold colors to create visual interest.


When it comes to furnishing a small space, there are a few important things to keep in mind. First, it’s important to choose multifunctional pieces and furniture with hidden storage. Additionally, you should use light-colored furniture and arrange it around your room’s focal point. Finally, don’t be afraid to use color to create visual interest and make the most of every square inch. With a little patience and creativity, you can create a beautiful and functional small space that you’ll love for years to come.