7 Powerful Ways to Build Your Personal Brand on Social Media

Social media is getting more and more common every day, especially among the youth. According to this survey, it’s used by 85 percent of millennials (millennials are people born between the early 1980s and the late 1990s). If you’re not using social media already, it might be time to jump on board. Social media can help your personal brand become one of the best in your industry.

Here are seven ways you can start building your personal brand on social media today:

1] Build up a good foundation for your business on Twitter.

Twitter is probably one of the most effective platforms out there right now for creating awareness about you. It gives brands direct access to their potential customers without having to go through gatekeepers like other social media sites. In addition, if you have a lot of followers who are mainly interested in your niche, this can give your brand more credibility and influence within the industry.

2] Be valuable on Facebook.

Facebook is a great tool to use for bringing back old customers as well as making new ones. People naturally want to do business with other people they know, like, and trust. If most of their friends are sharing positive things about your brand, there’s a good chance that they’ll be interested in doing business with it too! One of the most effective ways to build up trust on Facebook is by becoming an active member in the community by answering questions, sharing valuable content (but not just links to your website), and interacting with your fans.

3] Be consistent on Instagram.

Make sure you post high-quality images, videos, and stories regularly to keep your followers engaged! You can also do a mix of posts that advertise your product or service along with posts that don’t mention it at all. If people enjoy seeing these fun images and videos then they’ll be more likely to return to your page again in the future when you decide to post something related to what you’re selling.

4] Use YouTube for business too.  

YouTube is an underrated platform for building up a personal brand because many people think it’s just meant for funny cat videos. However, there are some top brands out there today such as Red Bull and Sony who use YouTube to share useful content with their audiences. Make sure you’re trying out a variety of videos, such as testimonials, tutorials, product demos, and more to find what works best for your brand.

5] Create a strong LinkedIn profile.

LinkedIn is a must if you want to grow your personal brand for business purposes. Keep in mind that being on LinkedIn doesn’t mean you have to be all professional-business right from the start! Show your personality by including pictures and writing about yourself in the third person so it’s clear that this profile is not really you but instead a representation of your brand. You can also include some quirky or fun tidbits too if applicable (such as hobbies or favorite quotes).

6] Lastly, but most importantly, be yourself on Instagram.

In the end, being personal and sharing your personality is what matters most. When it comes to building a strong brand. People won’t want to buy from someone they don’t feel comfortable around. If you have a great sense of humor then you should probably post some funny stuff every now and again! The key is to remain true to who you are as much as possible. While also staying professional in a way that makes sense for your target audience.

7] Use social media as an opportunity to learn more about your customers too.

Your customers are the lifeblood of your business so keeping track of them through social media is important. You can use sites like Twitter and Facebook analytics tools to monitor engagement. See what posts resonate the most with your audience, and understand other important metrics. If you’re curious about something then just ask! Some of your fans may be more than happy to answer questions that also help their favorite brands.


Moving forward, remember that social media should be used to establish a personal connection with your target audience first and foremost. Use it as a chance to interact with them on a deeper level. And show off the “real you” behind the business. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can post about how much you love puppies all day long. Without having any kind of strategy! It’s still important that your accounts are informative as well as entertaining for those who follow along. Once you’ve completely grasped what I’m talking about. Then use it as a way to gain more exposure for yourself and your brand! People will appreciate knowing more about their favorite brands’ employees so don’t be afraid to give them just that!