9 Types of Headlines That Will Get Your Blog Posts Read (No Matter What Industry you’re in)

The headlines that get your blog posts read

It’s no secret that a good headlines can make or break whether someone will click through to read your article. In fact, according to Copy blogger, 8 out of 10 people will read your headline, but only 2 out of 10 will go on to read the rest.

That means if you want people to actually read what you’ve written, you need to give some thought to creating an effective headline. But what makes a good headline?

There are a few key elements:

  • Your headline should be clear and to the point. It should give readers a good idea of what your article is about without being too long or convoluted.
  • Your headline should be interesting and make people want to read more. This can be achieved by using intriguing words, making a bold claim, or asking a question.
  • Your headline should be relevant to your target audience. Write headlines that speak to the interests and needs of your readers.
  • Your headline should be search engine friendly. Use keywords that people are likely to search for when looking for information on your topic.

How to make sure your headlines are effective

Now that you know what goes into a good headline, it’s time to put those elements into practice.

Follow these tips to make sure your headlines are as effective as possible:

  • Start with a working title. This can be something simple that captures the main idea of your article. Once you have a working title, you can start to play around with different word choices and phrasing to see what sounds best.
  • Don’t get too cute. It’s tempting to try to be clever with your headline but resist the urge. A headline that is confusing or difficult to understand is not going to do you any favors. Keep it simple and straightforward.
  • Make use of keyword research. Use Google AdWords Keyword Planner or another tool to find out what keywords people are searching for on Google. Then, incorporate those keywords into your headlines where appropriate.
  • Edit, edit, edit. A headline is not something you want to just throw together at the last minute. Take the time to revise and tweak your headlines until they are just right.

The types of headlines that work best

So what type of headline should you use for your next blog post? Here are 9 effective options to consider:

  • List posts: These types of posts are always popular and tend to do well on social media. Be sure to use an enticing headline that includes a number (e.g., “10 Ways to Lose Weight Fast”).
  • How-to posts: Readers love helpful articles that show them how to do something. Use a headline that starts with “How to” or “How I” (e.g., “How to Make a Delicious Chocolate Cake”).
  • Case studies: These posts are great for showing off your results and proving your expertise. Start your headline with “Case Study” or “Success Story” (e.g., “Case Study: How I Increased My blog’s Traffic by 500 %”).
  • Expert roundup posts: These are similar to list posts but rather than featuring your own tips, you round up a group of experts to share their advice. Use a headline that includes the word “experts” (e.g., “Experts Share Their Best Tips for Getting More Instagram Followers”).
  • Product review posts: If you’re reviewing a product, be sure to include the product name in your headline (e.g., “Product Review: The iPhone 6 Plus”).
  • Controversial posts: These types of posts can be great for generating buzz and getting people talking. Be sure to state your opinion in the headline (e.g., “Why I Think the New Facebook Algorithm Change Is a Terrible Idea”).
  • Q&A posts: Featuring questions and answers is a great way to provide valuable content and build relationships with your readers. Use a headline that includes the word “interview” or “Q&A” (e.g., “Q&A with John Doe on How to Make Money Blogging”).
  • Tips posts: People love tips they can use to improve their lives. Start your headline with “Tips for” or “Top Tips for” (e.g., “Top Tips for Planning a Successful Wedding”).
  • User-generated content posts: These are posts that feature content submitted by your readers. Be sure to mention that the content is user-generated in your headline (e.g., “User-Generated Content: The Best Posts from Our Forum”).


When it comes to writing headlines, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, your headline should be clear and concise. Second, it should incorporate keywords that people are likely to search for. And finally, it should be something that is interesting and will make people want to click through to read your article. By following these tips, you can make sure your headlines are as effective as possible.