Different Things you can do to make your towels more absorbent

Towels are a necessary part of our lives, but often times they can be quite frustrating. They never seem to be absorbent the way we want them to, and they always end up feeling damp and musty.

If you’re tired of your towels not working the way they should, there are 15 things you can do to make them more absorbent.

1. Wash your towels in hot water:

Hot water helps to open up the fibers in your towel, which allows them to better absorb water. Additionally, it helps to remove any dirt or oils that may be clogging up the fibers and preventing them from doing their job properly.

2. Use less detergent:

Using too much detergent can actually reduce the absorbency of your towels. This is because detergent leaves behind a waxy residue that can build up on the towel fibers and prevent them from absorbing as much water.

3. Use vinegar:

Adding a cup of vinegar to your wash cycle can help to remove any leftover detergent residue and soften your towels. Vinegar is also a natural disinfectant, so it can help to keep your towels bacteria-free.

4. Avoid fabric softeners:

Fabric softeners coat the towel fibers and make them less effective at absorbing water. If you want to use a fabric softener, only use it on your clothes, not your towels.

5. Use baking soda:

Baking soda is another great product for removing detergent residue and softening your towels. Just add a half-cup to your wash cycle along with your regular detergent.

6. Hang your towels to dry:

Towels that are hung up to dry will be more absorbent than those that are left in the dryer. This is because the heat from the dryer can actually damage the fibers and make them less effective at absorbing water.

7. Fluff your towels in the dryer:

After you’ve hung your towels to dry, give them a few minutes in the dryer on a low setting. This will help to fluff up the fibers and make them even more absorbent.

8. Use Borax:

Borax is a natural laundry booster that can help to increase the absorbency of your towels. Just add a half-cup to your wash cycle along with your regular detergent.

9. Presoak your towels:

If you’re really looking to increase the absorbency of your towels, try presoaking them in a mixture of water and vinegar before washing them. This will help to open up the fibers and remove any dirt or oils that may be clogging them up.

10. Don’t use too much water:

When you’re washing your towels, don’t use more water than necessary. This will make it harder for the towels to absorb all of the water and could lead to dampness or mustiness.

11. Rinse your towels thoroughly:

Make sure to rinse your towels thoroughly after washing them. Any soap residue that is left behind can actually make the towels less absorbent.

12. Shake out your towels:

After you’ve rinsed your towels, give them a good shake to remove any excess water. This will help them to dry more quickly and prevent them from getting musty.

13. Hang your towels in the sun:

Hanging your towels in the sun is a great way to naturally disinfect them and increase their absorbency. The UV rays from the sun will help to kill any bacteria that may be present on the towels, and the heat will help to open up the fibers and increase their absorbency.

14. Store your towels in a dry place:

Make sure to store your towels in a dry place when you’re not using them. If they are stored in a damp environment, they will be more likely to become musty and less absorbent.

15. Replace your towels regularly:

Even if you follow all of these tips, your towels will eventually wear out and lose their absorbency. Be sure to replace them every few months to ensure that you’re always using the most absorbent towels possible.


If you want to increase the absorbency of your towels, there are a few things you can do. Use less detergent, and be sure to rinse your towels thoroughly after washing them. You can also add a half-cup of vinegar or baking soda to your wash cycle to help remove any detergent residue and soften your towels. Hang your towels to dry, and fluff them in the dryer for a few minutes on a low setting. You can also presoak your towels in a mixture of water and vinegar before washing them. Finally, don’t forget to store your towels in a dry place when you’re not using them.