Different tips for reducing turnover in your small business

There are many reasons why small business have a high turnover rate.

One of the most common reasons is that employees feel overworked and underpaid. When employees feel like they are being taken advantage of, they are more likely to look for other opportunities.

Another common reason for high turnover is a lack of appreciation. Employees who don’t feel appreciated are more likely to leave for a company that will show them some appreciation.

Here are 15 tips for reducing turnover in your small business:

1. Offer competitive salaries and benefits.

Employees are more likely to stay with a company that offers competitive salaries and benefits. If you can’t match the salaries of larger companies, try to offer other benefits, such as flexible hours or telecommuting.

2. Show your appreciation.

Let your employees know that you appreciate their hard work. A simple “thank you” can go a long way. You can also show your appreciation by giving bonuses, raises, or other rewards.

3. Provide opportunities for advancement.

Employees are more likely to stay with a company if they feel like there is room for growth. Offer opportunities for employees to advance within the company. This could include training programs or mentorship programs.

4. Encourage a healthy work/life balance.

Employees who feel overworked are more likely to leave for a company that offers a better work/life balance. Encourage your employees to take breaks and use their vacation days. You can also offer flexible hours or telecommuting.

5. Promote from within.

When you have an open position, consider promoting from within the company. This will show your employees that there are opportunities for advancement. It will also save you time and money on training new employees.

6. Allow for input and feedback.

Employees want to feel like their voices are heard. Allow for input and feedback from your employees. You can do this by hosting regular meetings or sending out surveys.

7. Be transparent about the company’s finances.

Employees want to work for a stable company. Be transparent about the company’s finances. This will help to build trust and respect.

8. Offer training and development opportunities.

Invest in your employees by offering training and development opportunities. This will show that you are invested in their growth and development.

9. Communicate regularly.

Keep your employees informed about what is going on in the company. Communication is key to keeping your employees engaged and motivated.

10. Hire the right people.

The first step to reducing turnover is to hire the right people. When you hire someone, make sure they are a good fit for the company culture and have the skills and experience you are looking for.

11. Set clear expectations.

When you hire someone, be sure to set clear expectations from the start. This will help to avoid misunderstandings and also frustration down the road.

12. Provide feedback.

Give your employees regular feedback, both positive and negative. This will help them know what they are doing well and where they need to improve.

13. Be flexible.

Life happens, and sometimes things come up that are out of our control. Be flexible with your employees when these things happen. If an employee needs to leave early for a doctor’s appointment, let them go.

14. Have an open-door policy.

Encourage your employees to come to you with concerns or ideas. Let them know that you are open to hearing their suggestions.

15. Offer a competitive salary and benefits package.

Employees are more likely to stay with a company that offers a competitive salary and also benefits package. If you can’t match the salaries of larger companies, try to offer other benefits, such as flexible hours or telecommuting.

By following these tips, you can reduce turnover in your small business. By investing in your employees and showing your appreciation, you can also create a positive work environment that employees will want to stay in.


These are just a few tips to help reduce turnover in your small business. For more information on this topic, please check out the following resources:

The Balance SMB – How to Reduce Employee Turnover in Your Small Business

Forbes – 10 Ways to Reduce Employee Turnover

Entrepreneur – 13 Ways to Reduce Employee Turnover

QuickBooks – How to Reduce Turnover in Your Small Business