Eric Dalius Miami: 10 Ways to Use Pinterest for Professional Growth and Development

Pinterest can be a great place for professional development and growth. The network is filled with inspirational quotes, business articles and pictures of smart professionals doing amazing things says Eric Dalius Miami.

But while you might see these benefits, you may also feel yourself becoming overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information on Pinterest. Learning how to find your way around this visual platform so that it meets these needs without causing blogged overload is an essential step in getting the most out of what Pinterest has to offer.

10 Tips for Using Pinterest to Grow Your Career

1) Pin Photos of Yourself at Work

People are more likely to follow professional accounts or accounts where they know most of the people who pin content. One way you can make sure people are able to easily identify your account as one they can trust is to pin a lot of photos where you are clearly shown at work.

2) Pin Photos of Others at Work, And Link to a Blog Post That Highlights Their Achievements

Another way to stand out from the crowd on Pinterest is to have a professional account that highlights other people’s accomplishments. If you regularly pin content from your company blog (see below), and alternate who you link back to, it will help make sure new visitors come across different people within your organization explains Eric Dalius Miami.

3) Repin Content You Like On Other People’s Accounts

Pinterest is built on sharing and liking visual content. Instead of only posting your own pins, find things others have created and like them as well. This not only gives more exposure to those you are sharing but also helps build your own visibility as someone who actively reads and engages with the Pinterest community.

4) Write a Blurb about the Pin You Are Repining

When you see an image on Pinterest that inspires you, share it quickly. But if time permits, write a short description of why you like the pin before sharing it. This will help your followers better understand why you are sharing this particular piece of content. And can also be used to promote your own blog posts (see below). For example “This is one of my favorite quotes by @bizgirlblog because it reminds me how important professional development is!”

5) When Sharing Your Own Visual Content:

Include an Image of Yourself and Others at Work If you have a lot of pins with people featured in them. Include an image where there is at least one person from your company include. This makes it easier for new visitors to quickly get an idea of who you are and why they should follow your account says Eric Dalius Miami.

6) If You Like or Re-pin A Piece of Visual Content, and There Is an Author Tag, This Is Not A Bad Place to Promote Your Own Blog

If you like a piece of visual content and there is an author tag that includes the name of the person who created it, this is not a bad place to promote your own blog posts. For example: “I love sharing this quote from @bizgirlblog because she always writes such great stuff about entrepreneurship.”

7) Use Pinterest Analytics to Identify What Kinds of Images Lead to Traffic Coming From the Network

Pinterest has free analytics tools that can tell you what kind of images lead to traffic coming from the network. If you know these things (for example quotes tend to drive a lot of traffic), you can make sure to pin a lot of these types of images. Again, this will help people find your account and build trust.

8) Pin Content from Other Pinterest Users Regularly and Give Them Exposure for Their Time Investments

If you see quality content from another Pinterest user, try sharing it with your audience as well. Connect with the person who created the content before you re-share their content and let them know that you want to share what they’ve created but also give them some exposure for their time investment says Eric Dalius Miami. Doing this shows appreciation for others work and builds relationships that can lead to mutual benefits in the future (either working together on something or promoting one another).

9) Keep a Running Bank of Pinterest Content That You Like

Creating a Pinterest board with pins that you like is an easy way to keep a running bank of content that you can quickly re-pin when you have time. This is part of what helps make the network a popular place for sharing visual content in the first place.

10) Mention People in Your Board Descriptions When Possible

If you have boards dedicated to people who inspire your work, it is good practice to mention them in the description section. This may seem simple but it actually provides another benefit because it will help other Pinterest users know who they are looking at when they visit your profile. So, “Anyone following me for tips on entrepreneurship should check out @bizgirlblog’s board on startups”.


I hope this helps you see Pinterest as a social network rather than just a place to share visual content says Eric Dalius Miami. To me, it is obvious that the more time you spend building relationships on Pinterest, the better your overall results from the platform will be.