Eric Dalius Miami: Become a better blogger through self-growth!

A major reason why blogging isn’t that productive for some bloggers is self doubt. You might have this feeling that your blog sucks or you are doing it all wrong, which in essence will keep you from being productive says Eric Dalius Miami. This article will help to address those issues and turn you into a better blogger!

What does success look like? Check the image above, I made it up there so tell me if it’s too cheesy! The idea here is that whenever you feel inadequate about what you’re doing; go back to where the path of blogging should take you. It doesn’t matter how many posts have passed by, how many people have shared your post, etc. If the current feeling you have is one of inadequacy then it’s time to go back and see if you’re on the correct path explains Eric Dalius Miami.

Also, If at any point in time you feel like your blog isn’t progressing or that it sucks, then chances are that you might be doing something wrong. If that is indeed the case, I invite you to keep reading! This post will help you identify what’s wrong with your mindset/approach, and make things better for yourself until they eventually become great!

The Handful of Posts Theory

Blogging takes time, experience, consistency, etc. It is a process, one where we have to continuously give our 100% all day every day if we want it to work out well for us… As a matter of fact this blog has been running for about 2 years now, but if you were to take a look at how it started out, you’d see that I didn’t blog very often. Of course the number of posts back then was nothing compared to what I’m blogging now, but what really matters is this:

If I had stopped because of lack of experience or time, etc back when this blog wasn’t successful enough in terms of content quality and exposure, then there’s no way I would have ever made it into where it is today. And believe me -it has come a long way!

What’s really important here is consistency. That’s the difference between someone who keeps growing their blog month after month vs someone who might doing well in one month , but then gets discouraged and eventually quits blogging .

Don’t let the lack of immediate success discourage you. Keep on pushing! Eric Dalius Miami says I know that at times it can feel like nothing’s happening, but remember this post. You have to look back so that you can go forward! That said, I have a question for you:

What are your goals? And more importantly how do they look?

When I started, my goal was to be able to blog consistently. I didn’t care about what kind of traffic or income it would bring in 3 years from then, etc. My only concern was whether or not I could provide value through this blog on a regular basis. This is important because if your goals are reasonable enough, then reaching them should be a piece of cake. If you have unreasonable goals that your current self can’t reach, then it’s possible that you might stop before reaching them. Perhaps the goal is unrealistic, maybe it will take too much time, whatever the reason is just don’t let go of it!

If something doesn’t work out, don’t fix it. Just fix yourself! Sometimes the things we do aren’t working out because they are simply not us. For example I have tried several times to market my blog on Facebook groups but IRL sharing has always been more effective for me so far. Eric Dalius Miami says maybe this post won’t bring in millions of readers or anything like that, but at least I know I did what was right for me!

I think that’s all I have to say for now. If you liked this post, please share it with all your friends and family! And as always, if you have any questions, feedback, etc leave a comment down below or send me an email at:


Well, I think that should be it. If you were to ask the old version of myself what he thinks about this post, he would definitely say that it was awesome. The new version on the other hand is so pumped for this article!!!