Finding happiness in the world today is not easy

Happiness has been an age-old topic that everyone has wanted to achieve. However, with all the distractions around us it seems that this is almost impossible to do. From billboards telling us to buy everything under the sun, to our jobs not being fulfilling enough, to family problems, happiness seems like a dream for many people today. Yet psychologists have begun taking serious interest in discovering how people can find happiness within these stressful times. They have taken years of research and have come up with some interesting results on what conditions need to be met so people can truly feel happy.

Conditions to be happy:

1) Money

One of the biggest causes of stress among citizens is their financial situations. A survey done by Harvard reveals that out of 1 000 adults who took part in their survey, 33% believed that not having enough money was the main cause of unhappiness in their lives. People are stressed because they cannot afford things that would really fulfill them or give them that happiness boost. Unfortunately many people even today are working jobs at which they are overqualified for just so they can make ends meet. However, if financial problems were to be eliminated from everyday society, people would have a lot more time to find happiness elsewhere.

2) Fulfilling work

Along with financial issues being one of the main detriments to people’s happiness, difficult and unfulfilling jobs are also another leading factor in how unhappy someone is. According to a study done by economists at Princeton University it shows that when individuals have secure jobs that are not fulfilling they are twice as likely to suffer from psychological issues such as depression, then individuals who have secure jobs of any kind. So in order for people to find happiness, they need feeling of fulfillment when working at their job.

3) Friends and family

Friends and family play a huge role in our lives. They help us through difficult times, comfort us after a hard day’s work, and above all they keep us grounded. If you were to ask someone if they would rather be wealthy or loved by friends/family, most would choose the latter because having success with no loved ones is quite terrible according to many psychologists. With many people struggling with loneliness, it seems that human contact can cure even some of the worst cases of loneliness.

4) Time to relax

All the working, and all the pressure that people go through each day can be so stressful that it makes they need time to relax. While many love spending time with friends and family, it is also important for people to take some time alone so they can enjoy their thoughts, read a book or watch a movie. This way they are getting both socializing with loved ones as well as giving themselves some downtime. So in order for individuals to find happiness, not only do they have to escape stress but also give themselves enough “me time” where they are completely relaxed.

5) Less distractions

With technology always advancing, it seems that people are always having new thrown at them every second. This is great for the world in many ways but has also made it harder for people to be truly happy. The constant flow of images and sounds that bombard us every day is only making it harder to escape stress. If people were able to eliminate some of these distractions in their everyday lives, then they would have a clearer mind, and be able to make smarter decisions on what truly makes them happy.

Here are some FAQs recently asked about the bot:

Q: I liked your bot, but I wish it would tell stories about other things, not just cool stuff.

A: The reason why it only tells stories about cool stuff. Because that’s what the data was for this project. If you want to contribute more datasets or add in new sources of stories. Feel free to message I and we can work something out. Or if you have another dataset in mind, I’m open to doing a new version of the bot. With different properties than this one. Of course there is no guarantee that it will be added here, so let me know what kind of datasets you are interested in!

Q: Your algorithm doesn’t seem to like my text very much! How can I fix this?

A: First of all, don’t worry too much about the algorithm not liking your text. It’s true that it looks for certain things in stories. There are still plenty of other factors that determine if a story is good or not. For example, a lot of what makes a story great is how well you can tell it. You need to be confident and energetic when telling the story; else it will just fall flat with the stream. Next time you’re speaking to someone just keep these things in mind.


So happiness according to psychologists may not seem like an easy goal to achieve. But with little changes here and there, you can start feeling happier about yourself. These are only 5 conditions that need to be fulfilled if people want to find true happiness within them. But according to research psychologists there are many more factors at play here.