Finding the Right Talent to Help You Grow: Strategies for Recruiting During Expansion 

Expanding your business can be an exciting yet daunting task. One of the most important aspects of successful expansion is finding talented people to help you grow and manage the increased workload. But recruiting during times of growth can be difficult, as competition for skilled workers is intense and budgets may not always permit you to offer higher salaries or more attractive benefits packages.

In this article, we’ll explore some strategies you can use to source and recruit the right talent when expanding your business.

1) Leverage Your Network:

Utilizing contacts in your network is one of the best ways to find qualified candidates for open positions at your company. Ask former colleagues, friends, or industry peers if they know anyone who might be a good fit for the job you’re trying to fill. You can also use professional networking sites like LinkedIn to expand your search and reach out to a larger pool of potential candidates.

2) Utilize Employee Referral Programs:

Employee referral programs are an effective way to recruit new people quickly and affordably. Offer incentives such as bonuses or prizes for any employee who successfully refers someone who is hired. This encourages employees to think about their networks and help you find talented people who will fit in well at your organization.

3) Tap Into Local Talent Pools:        

Look for local schools or universities that have strong programs in the field you’re looking for additional talent in, and consider recruiting from them directly. Community colleges, vocational schools and technical institutes can also be great places to source new talent.

4) Consider Contract Workers:

Hiring contract workers can be a cost-effective way to increase your staff during periods of expansion. Contractors are usually highly skilled professionals who specialize in specific areas, allowing you to bring on the right talent without having to commit to hiring them permanently.

5) Use Online Job Search Sites:

Using online job search sites such as Indeed or Monster is another option for finding qualified candidates. You’ll need to invest some time in building an effective profile and writing engaging job descriptions that will attract the kind of people you’re looking for. Be sure to include information about your company culture and the benefits that you offer in order to make your job listing stand out from the crowd.


Q: What is the best way to source talent?

A: The best way to source talent depends on your needs and budget. Leveraging your network, using employee referral programs, tapping into local talent pools, considering contract workers and using online job search sites are all strategies you can use to find qualified candidates when recruiting during expansion.

Q: How do I make my job listing stand out?

A: Make sure to include information about your company culture and benefits in order to make your job listing stand out from the crowd. Use keywords that relate to the position you’re trying to fill, and be as detailed as possible in describing the skills and qualifications that you’re looking for. Additionally, provide potential candidates with a glimpse of what it’s like to work at your company.

Q: What are some advantages of hiring contract workers?

A: Hiring contract workers can be a cost-effective way to increase your staff during periods of expansion. Contractors are usually highly skilled professionals who specialize in specific areas, allowing you to bring on the right talent without having to commit to hiring them permanently. Additionally, they tend to require less onboarding and training than full-time employees.


Finding the right talent can be key to the success of your business expansion. Using strategies such as leveraging your network, utilizing employee referral programs, tapping into local talent pools, considering contract workers and using online job search sites are all effective ways to source qualified candidates for open positions. Investing in a comprehensive recruiting strategy will help ensure that you have the right people on board and ready to take on the challenge of growth.

Finding the right talent when expanding your business can be a challenge, but with a clear recruitment strategy and the right tactics, you’ll be able to find qualified candidates who will help take your company to the next level. Leverage existing networks, utilize employee referral programs, tap into local talent pools, consider contract workers, and use online job search sites for best results.