How to Create Gender-Neutral Job Descriptions and Policies

Gender-neutral job descriptions and policies are increasingly important in today’s workplace as organizations strive to create a more inclusive culture. Creating gender-neutral job descriptions and policies can help employers better attract, retain, and promote people of all genders. This article will provide tips for creating gender-neutral job descriptions, discuss the value of such practices, and outline some best practices for implementing them.

Gender-neutral job descriptions and policies are important in today’s workplace. By creating a gender-neutral work environment, companies can attract a more diverse pool of candidates and create an equitable workplace where all employees feel respected, valued, and safe.

This article will provide tips on how to create gender-neutral job descriptions that promote equal opportunity for both men and women.

Steps for Creating Gender-Neutral Job Descriptions:

1. Avoid Stereotypes – eliminate words or language in the job description that imply characteristics based on gender stereotypes (e.g., “hardworking mother”). Instead use terms such as “person with excellent communication skills” or “self-motivated individual.”

2. Include Qualifications – be sure to include qualifications that are based on the job requirements, not gender stereotypes. For example, if a job requires a college degree, specify what type of degree is preferred but do not mention whether it should be a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

3. Consider Flexible Work Arrangements – consider offering flexible work arrangements as part of the job description. This may include telecommuting options, flextime schedules, or other measures that will help attract qualified candidates regardless of their gender identity.

Creating Gender-Neutral Job Descriptions:

The first step towards creating a gender-neutral job description is to eliminate any language that implies or assumes any kind of gender preference. Phrases like “he/she” and “him/her” should be avoid when referring to applicants or employees in the job description. Additionally, using language like “team member” instead of “salesperson” can help create a more gender-neutral environment.

In addition to eliminating gendered language, it is important to ensure that job descriptions are wrote in an objective and unbiased manner. Terms like “high achiever” or “strong leader” should be avoid as they may give the impression that certain genders are better suite for the role than others. Instead, focus on describing the desired qualifications and tasks associated with the role.

Creating Gender-Neutral Policies:

When creating policies, it is important to make sure that they do not make assumptions about gender identity or preferences. For example, avoiding use of pronouns and employing gender-neutral terms when referencing individuals and their roles can help create a more inclusive environment. Additionally, policies should be written in an objective and unbiased way so as not to imply any kind of gender preference.

It is also important to ensure that all policies are compliant with applicable laws and regulations related to gender equity. For example, employers should pay close attention to language used in anti-discrimination and equal employment opportunity statements, ensuring that they are written in a gender-neutral manner.

Finally, it’s important for employers to provide employees with resources and support related to creating gender-inclusive workplaces. This could include training on how to create gender-neutral job descriptions and policies, as well as guidance on how best to implement them.


Gender-neutral job descriptions and policies are an important step towards creating a workplace that is equitable and inclusive. By implementing the tips provided in this article, employers can create job descriptions and policies that promote equal opportunity for all genders. Additionally, employers should ensure they are compliant with laws related to gender equity and provide their employees with resources to help create gender-inclusive workplaces. With these steps in place, companies can foster an environment that is safe and supportive for everyone regardless of their gender identity or expression.

Creating gender-neutral job descriptions and policies is an important step in creating a more inclusive workplace. By eliminating gendered language, writing job descriptions in an objective manner and providing employees with resources related to creating gender-inclusive workplaces, organizations can help create a more equitable environment for all genders. This can ultimately lead to increased employee satisfaction, better engagement rates, and improved organizational performance. With the right steps taken in the right direction, organizations can make sure that they are doing their part to create gender-neutral work environments.