How to Cycle Safely in Traffic 

Cycling is a great way to get around, but it can be dangerous if you don’t know how to do it properly in traffic.

Here are 15 tips on how to cycle safely in traffic.

1. Wear the right gear:

Make sure you’re wearing the right gear before you head out on your bike. You’ll need a helmet, of course, as well as reflective clothing so that drivers can see you.

2. Follow the rules of the road:

Just like drivers, cyclists have to follow the rules of the road. That means riding in a straight line, yielding to pedestrians, and using hand signals to let other cyclists and drivers know what you’re doing.

3. Be aware of your surroundings:

It’s important to always be aware of your surroundings when you’re on your bike. Keep an eye out for obstacles in the road, and be prepared to swerve around them if necessary.

4. Don’t ride at night:

If at all possible, avoid riding at night. It’s much harder for drivers to see you, and it’s more difficult to stay aware of your surroundings. If you do have to ride at night, make sure you have a headlight and taillight so that drivers can see you.

5. Stay off the phone:

Don’t use your phone while you’re cycling, as it’s distracting and dangerous. If you need to make a call, pull over to the side of the road first.

6. Don’t ride under the influence:

Just as you shouldn’t drink and drive, you shouldn’t drink and cycle. Riding while intoxicated increases your risk of accidents.

7. Be predictable:

When you’re cycling, make sure you’re being predictable. Ride in a straight line, and don’t make sudden turns or stops without signaling first.

8. Use bike lanes when available:

Whenever possible, use bike lanes to stay safe from traffic. However, be aware that bike lanes can sometimes be dangerous, so use them with caution.

9. Avoid busy roads:

If possible, stick to quieter side streets rather than busy roads. There’s less traffic to worry about, and it’s generally safer.

10. Be cautious at intersections:

Intersections are one of the most dangerous places for cyclists, so be extra cautious when you’re riding through them.

11. Watch for opening car doors:

One of the hazards of cycling in traffic is that drivers may open their doors without looking first. This can knock you off your bike, so always be on the lookout for it.

12. Don’t ride between cars:

Don’t try to squeeze between two cars, as this is extremely dangerous. If a car suddenly changes lanes, you could get knocked into the road and hit by oncoming traffic.

13. Pass slowly and carefully:

If you need to pass another cyclist or pedestrian, do it slowly and be prepared to stop if necessary.

14. Yield to pedestrians:

Pedestrians always have the right of way, so make sure you yield to them when you’re on your bike.

15. Use caution around parked cars:

Bikes can easily get caught on car doors, so use caution when riding past parked cars. Be prepared to swerve if a door opens suddenly.


1. What should I wear while cycling?

You’ll need a helmet, as well as reflective clothing so that drivers can see you.

2. What are the rules of the road for cyclists?

Cyclists have to follow the same rules as drivers, including riding in a straight line and yielding to pedestrians.

3. How can I be more aware of my surroundings?

Keep an eye out for obstacles in the road, and be prepared to swerve around them if necessary. Also, avoid riding at night if possible.

4. Can I use my phone while cycling?

No, you should not use your phone while cycling as it’s dangerous. If you need to make a call, pull over to the


Cycling is a great way to exercise and get around, but it’s important to be aware of the dangers. Always wear a helmet and reflective clothing, and be cautious of obstacles in the road. Follow the rules of the road, and don’t ride at night if possible. If you do have to ride at night, make sure you have a headlight and taillight. And finally, always be cautious at intersections.