How to find your life’s purpose and happiness:

With the start of a new year, now is the perfect time to reflect on your life’s purpose and happiness. What do you want to accomplish in the coming months? How can you increase your level of personal happiness?

This article will answer these questions and more as it outlines how to find your life’s purpose and happiness by first defining what they are and then proposing 6 easy steps that anyone can take to gain clarity of their own lives’ meaning.

Step 1: Define Your Life’s Purpose

Your life’s purpose is exactly how it sounds—a reason for living. It encompasses why you exist in this world, what makes you happy, what you spend your time doing, and how you want others to remember you. Some examples of common life’s purposes are: finding love, raising a family, discovering the root of happiness, establishing financial independence, solving big problems (scientifically or otherwise), helping others—the list goes on.   Everyone is different and there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to defining your life’s purpose.

Step 2: Know that you’ll Never ‘Find’ Your Life’s Purpose; Instead, It Will Find You

It sounds clichéd, but you will never find what you’re looking for if you don’t look hard enough. Instead of searching for an elusive path forward through life, realize that your life’s purpose will be revealed to you throughout your experiences. There is no “set in stone” life’s purpose that you can simply uncover one day.

For example, if your life’s purpose is to raise a loving family, then this lifestyle will naturally reveal itself throughout everyday occurrences—joining a club or activity that allows you to meet people in the future, doing something kind for a stranger in public because it makes you feel good inside. If your goal is to achieve financial independence, then it will come about through hard work and persistence over time. It is up to each individual person to recognize when these daily opportunities are occurring and seize them in order to live their lives’ purposes.

Step 3: Never Stop Learning

Never stop learning for any reason whatsoever. If anything, learn even more after you’ve found your life’s purpose. Your education is a lifelong pursuit and you will be rewarded with even more happiness, fulfillment, and meaning as a result of it.  

Step 4: Never Stop Growing

Know that your life’s purpose will be forever evolving; it will never stop changing as time goes on, so neither should you.   Growth is an important part of the human experience; if we stopped learning or growing for even one day, our bodies would begin to die off (metaphorically speaking).  Continual growth leads to greater happiness because you are constantly pushing yourself to overcome new challenges.

Step 5: Stay Active in Your Life’s Purpose

As mentioned earlier, your life’s purpose will always be evolving, which means that at some point you’re going to have to make a deliberate effort to stay active in your desired lifestyle. This could be as simple as going out on a date with someone you’ve been wanting to ask out for a while or picking up an important skill that’s necessary for growth.

Step 6: Keep Happiness in Mind

Happiness is the end goal of living a life that is true to yourself and what you believe in.   If this sounds like something that matters to you, then never let it go. Whenever feeling down about a negative situation, realize things could always be worse and bad events don’t define who you are. Take comfort in knowing how much happier your future can be once you start actively working towards your life’s purpose!   

The purpose of our lives is to be happy. To try and follow that path as best we can by finding things that make us feel good or better about ourselves. More often than not, this means doing something we love, or working towards a goal which gives us a sense of meaning in our lives.

You have heard it said time and time again – find out what you love to do so much that you would gladly do it for nothing else but the sheer joy of it all. If you can create a career from that skill or interest then even better! In the pursuit of happiness, this is a fantastic first step.

Your definition of happiness is different from everyone else’s, and that is what makes each individual unique. Be happy with yourself – learn to accept who you are as a person. Once you have learned to love yourself for the ultimate person that you are – then and only then will your life begin to take on some meaning!

Think about the things that make you feel good or bring joy into your life. Think about all those things which have made us feel truly contented with our lives so far? They may not always be obvious but one certainly sticks out above the rest doesn’t it?

When we think back over our childhoods, there’s usually one thing we can always remember which made us grin from ear to ear. It could be your family, friends or pets you were raised with. Everything else in life seemed to make sense but when it came down to it, the best feeling ever was when…?

It’s usually something simple isn’t it? For me, it was climbing trees and building dens in the woods! If you can get that feeling back then there is nothing stopping you from finding the happiness that you deserve.


To sum up – our purpose in life is to be happy so why not give you a break today? Remember what made you happy as a child and try to bring some of those things back into your life again. If you are lucky enough, they may even last forever!!