How to make a living as a writer

There are many ways to make a living as a writer. Some writers choose to freelance, while others may opt for a more traditional career path.

No matter what route you decide to take, there are 12 things you can do to increase your chances of success.

1. Choose your niche.

One of the best things you can do as a writer is to choose a niche that you’re passionate about. This way, you’ll be more likely to stick with it, even when the going gets tough. Not sure what your niche should be? Check out this list of 100 popular niches for writers.

2. Build a platform.

Having a strong online presence is essential for any writer these days. Platform building takes time and effort, but it’s worth it in the long run. Not sure where to start? Check out this post on how to build a platform from scratch.

3. Join a writers’ group.

Being part of a community of like-minded individuals is crucial for any writer. It can provide support, feedback, and motivation – all things that are essential for success. Not sure which group to join? The Writer’s Digest Community is a great place to start.

4. Get a degree in English or Creative Writing?

While not strictly necessary, getting a degree in English or Creative Writing can give you a leg up in the industry. These programs will teach you the basics of writing, grammar, and style – all things that will come in handy as a professional writer.

5. Attend writers’ conferences.

Writers’ conferences are a great way to network with other writers and professionals in the industry. They can also provide valuable insight into the business of writing. Not sure which conference to attend? The Association of Writers & Writing Programs offers an extensive list of options.

6. Start a blog.

Blogging is a great way to get your name out there and attract new readers. It’s also a great way to practice your writing skills on a regular basis. Not sure how to start a blog? This post will walk you through the process step-by-step.

7. Publish articles on sites like Medium.

Medium is a popular platform for writers of all stripes. By publishing articles on the site, you can reach a wide audience of potential readers. Plus, it’s a great way to get your name out there as a writer.

8. Self-publish your work.

Self-publishing is a great way to get your work out there without having to go through the traditional publishing route. It’s also a great way to build an audience for your work. Not sure how to self-publish? This post will walk you through the process step-by-step.

9. Query literary agents.

If you want to traditionally publish your work, querying literary agents is the way to go. This process can be daunting, but it’s worth it if you want to see your work in print. Not sure how to query? Check out this post for everything you need to know.

10. Submit your work to literary magazines.

Another way to get your work published is to submit it to literary magazines. This option can be a great way to get your work in front of a new audience. Not sure which magazines to submit to? The Writer’s Market database can help you find the right fit for your work.

11. Teach writing classes.

If you want to make a living as a writer, teaching writing classes is a great option. This way, you can earn an income while also helping others to improve their writing skills. Not sure how to get started? Check out this post on how to teach a writing class.

12. Sell e-books on Amazon Kindle.

If you want to make money from your writing, selling e-books on Amazon Kindle is a great option. This platform makes it easy to reach a wide audience of potential buyers. Plus, you can set your own price for your work. Not sure how to get started? This post will walk you through the process step-by-step.


These are just a few of the things you can do to make a living as a writer. Of course, there are many other options out there. The important thing is to find what works best for you and to stick with it.