How to make time to write

Assuming you have a full-time job, a family, and/or other commitments, it can be difficult to find time to write. However, it is possible to make time for writing if you’re willing to be creative and disciplined about it.

Here are 15 tips:

1. Get up earlier:

If you can wake up even 30 minutes earlier than usual, you’ll have some extra time to write before starting your day. This may require going to bed slightly earlier as well, but it will be worth it.

2. Utilize lunch breaks:

If you have an hour-long lunch break, use that time to write instead of watching TV or browsing the internet. It’s amazing how much you can get done in just one hour if you focus.

3. Write in the evening:

After you’ve put the kids to bed or wrapped up at work, take some time to write before doing anything else. You may be tired, but you’ll be surprised at how productive you can be when you have some quiet time to yourself.

4. Use weekends:

While it’s important to relax on weekends, try to set aside a few hours for writing as well. Whether it’s early in the morning or late at night uses that time to get some words on the page.

5. Take advantage of downtime:

Whether you’re waiting in line or riding the bus, use those moments to brainstorm ideas or jot down some notes. You can also use this time to edit and proofread your work.

6. Set a daily word count goal:

If you’re struggling to find time to write, try setting a daily word count goal. For example, aim to write 500 words per day. This may seem like a lot, but it’s only about 2 pages double-spaced.

7. Set a weekly word count goal:

If you can’t commit to writing every day, try setting a weekly word count goal instead. For example, aim to write 3,500 words per week. This is still a challenging goal, but it’s more manageable than writing 500 words every day.

8. Find a writing buddy:

If you have a friend who’s also looking to improve their writing, team up and hold each other accountable. You can set word count goals together and check in with each other regularly to see how you’re both doing.

9. Join a writers group:

Joining a writers group is a great way to meet other writers and stay motivated. Most groups meet on a regular basis, so you’ll be able to make some progress on your writing goal.

10. Take an online course:

If you’re serious about improving your writing, consider taking an online course. There are many courses available, ranging from creative writing to business writing. By investing in yourself, you’ll be more likely to find time for writing.

11. Hire a tutor:

If you’re struggling with a specific aspect of writing, such as grammar or style, consider hiring a tutor. A tutor can help you identify and correct your mistakes, which will make your writing better overall.

12. Get a degree:

If you want to make a career out of writing, consider getting a degree in English or creative writing. While it takes time and money to get a degree, it will pay off in the long run.

13. Attend workshops:

Throughout the year, there are many writing workshops that you can attend. These workshops are usually led by published authors and provide an opportunity to learn new techniques and get feedback on your work.

14. Go to conferences:

There are also many writing conferences that you can attend. These conferences usually have a variety of sessions that you can choose from, so you can learn about different aspects of writing. They’re also a great networking opportunity.

15. Read books about writing:

In addition to reading books about your favorite topic, try reading books about writing as well. By learning from other writers, you’ll be able to improve your own skills.


There are many ways to find time to write, even if you have a busy schedule. By taking advantage of your downtime and setting some goals, you can make progress on your writing project. With a little effort, you can find the time to write that you need.