How to make your own Christmas decorations 

Making your own Christmas decorations is a great way to get into the holiday spirit! It’s also a great way to save money and add a personal touch to your home.

There are lots of ways to make your own Christmas decorations, but we’ve rounded up some of the most popular and easy-to-do ideas. So grab some supplies and get creative!

1. Make a paper snowflake garland

All you need for this project is some white construction paper, scissors, and tape. Cut out lots of different snowflake shapes from the paper, and then string them together with tape to create a beautiful garland. You can hang it up on your mantelpiece or use it to decorate your tree.

2. DIY candy canes

Making your own candy canes is surprisingly easy! All you need is some white Candy melts, red food coloring, and peppermint extract. Simply melt the candy melts according to the package directions, then add in the food coloring and extract until you reach desired flavor and color. Then, just pour the mixture into candy cane molds (you can find these online or at your local craft store) and let them set. Once they’re hardened, twist the tops of each candy cane to give them that traditional look.

3. Create a gingerbread house

Gingerbread houses are a classic Christmas decoration, but they can be pretty pricey to buy pre-made. Luckily, you can easily make your own with some gingerbread cookie dough, royal icing, and some candy for decoration. Simply roll out the gingerbread dough and use a house-shaped cookie cutter to cut out your pieces. Assemble the house using royal icing as “glue,” then decorate it with whatever candy you like. M&Ms, Skittles, and mini marshmallows all make great decorations!

4. Make a pinecone wreath

This project is so easy and only requires a few supplies: a hot glue gun, pinecones, ribbon, and fake snow (optional). First, glue the pinecones together in a circular shape using hot glue. Once they’re all glued together, tie a ribbon around the outside to secure them in place. If you want, you can also add a sprinkling of fake snow around the wreath for extra festive flair.

5. DIY Advent calendar

If you’re looking for a fun and festive way to countdown to Christmas, look no further than this DIY Advent calendar. All you need is 25 small paper bags (one for each day leading up to Christmas), some tissue paper, and small candy or toys to fill them with. Simply put a piece of candy or a small toy in each bag, then fold over the top and secure it with tape or a stapler. Once all the bags are filled, string them together with ribbon and hang them up on your wall or mantle. Then, let the countdown begin!

These are just a few of the many ways you can make your own Christmas decorations. So get creative and have fun! And don’t forget to share your finished projects with us on social media using the hashtag #Homemade Christmas.


1. What are some other ways to make my own Christmas decorations?

Some other popular ideas include making your own paper snowflakes, crafting a gingerbread house, or creating a DIY Advent calendar. Get creative and have fun!

2. Do I need any special supplies to make my own Christmas decorations?

Most of the projects on this list only require common household supplies like scissors, paper, tape, and glue. However, you may need some specialty items for certain projects, like candy molds or a hot glue gun.

3. Can I get creative with my own Christmas decorations?

Absolutely! This is your chance to get crafty and add your personal touch to your holiday decor. So have fun with it!

4. What should I do with my finished Christmas decorations?

Once you’re done making your decorations, you can put them up on your mantelpiece, hang them on your tree, or use them to decorate your home. Get creative and have fun!


Making your own Christmas decorations is a great way to save money and add a personal touch to your holiday decor. So get creative and have fun! And don’t forget to share your finished projects with us on social media using the hashtag #Homemade Christmas.