I Have Found Happiness In The Future, How Will It Help Me?

The history of the solar system is full of losses. The first extraterrestrial intelligence to make contact with humanity would be the most advanced sentient species that ever existed, but they were gone now, or, rather, they had evolved into something else and also Future.

Now it’s time for our story to begin. When an intelligent race is just getting started on developing space travel is when it may become vulnerable to cosmic threats beyond its control. If you look at the orbital diagram of the planets around this sun you will see why I think so.

The Earth’s orbit around this sun has changed many times over the years because of calamities like collisions with stray asteroids which knocked us out of our regular orbit and sent us flying through outer space without any protection for millions of years.

In fact, the only reason we are even alive to live out an ordinary human life right now is because of a large asteroid that hit our planet and pushed our planet into a regular orbit again. As if that wasn’t enough, this will be the fourth time that caused us to become totally extinct as it did for countless other species before us.

A single rogue comet could plunge through Earth’s atmosphere like slow-motion lightning (and also create brilliant displays of fireballs in the night-time sky). A few relatively small comets would be more than enough to cause death and destruction on an unparalleled scale. With all the weapons technology humanity has acquired you would think we would have solved this problem long ago by now, but there are too many things that we don’t see coming and there is no way to stop them all.

Finding happiness in future:

What I am getting at is that humanity doesn’t have any guarantees of survival. This planet could be our only home, and we can never move away from it for some reason. It just isn’t good enough to know that the future exists in some people’s minds if you can never get to it . You need another form of transportation than what we currently have available right now–something more powerful than the rockets we build today so we can find a new planet to explore on the other side of this solar system maybe, or maybe even an interstellar spaceship capable of traveling much faster than the speed of light would be ideal. The important thing is not how long it takes to travel, but how much time can be saved so we can get there faster.

In this story, I have described a method of transportation which is completely impossible from our point of view now, but you will see why it is totally natural and reasonable in the end if you think about it for a moment. In short, the past exists, the present exists–so why not the future? If one can exist then all three must exist together which gives us a complete timeline. Then it would be possible to go back into the past and take over your own body before you were ever born. You could make sure that an asteroid never hit Earth way back when by moving through space-time with light speed times faster than what our rockets can do. You would be able to visit the future and visit all the wondrous technological miracles that may exist there.

If you know of any point in time before your own birth where you could have been located. Then you should know exactly how to get there quickly without taking too long either. It can also afford a person a great deal of time to figure out what they want to do. In order to be better equipped for life in general by learning from past mistakes. In this story, I will show just one reason. Why going backward in time is so important when it comes right down to it.

I thought this might help you understand the reasons why traveling backwards in time is so good for us:

What about paradoxes?

The Grandfather Paradox comes to mind first because of how important it could be. The reply many people give is. That there would be no way for a person to travel back into the past. If they made any changes that affected their own birth or body (e.g., killing your father, mother, brother, sister before you were born). That’s true but this makes me wonder whether it really is impossible to go back in time. And kill Hitler as he slept one night like some super-hero vigilante. If I make enough changes then maybe things will come out different. Than they were suppose to be in the present.Then

The answer to this is simple: I don’t know if time travel would create a paradox or not. Because it hasn’t been complete yet. That’s why no one can say for sure what could happen. But we do know that there are plenty of changes that might actually cause someone else to be born. Instead of you (e.g., your identical twin brother) with everything still remaining completely natural and logical. So it really doesn’t need to be something that is inherently dangerous at all times when it comes right down to it. I think that people tend toward imagining what happens while traveling backward through time. As is some sort of horror story about how they will suddenly change into some stranger. Who wasn’t suppose to be there.


Don’t worry about it. So long as you are careful then nothing bad should happen to you even if you do try time travel once or twice.

I will show how my own life turned out after I made my first-time travel trip backward in order to prove it. That it really is perfectly natural for people who want to give it a shot at least once in their lives. So let’s get started with the story of what happened when I finally found true happiness over the course of an hour or two when it came right down to it-this was just before sunrise on December 25th last year.