Ideas for fun and festive Thanksgiving activities

Thanksgiving is a time to come together and give thanks for all the good in our lives. But it can also be a time for fun and festive activities!

Thanksgiving is a time to come together and celebrate all that we are thankful for. It can be a fun and festive time with family and friends, and there are plenty of activities to enjoy.

Here are a few ideas for fun and festive Thanksgiving activities:

Turkey trots, pumpkin painting, and family feasts are just a few of the festive activities that make Thanksgiving a special holiday.

If you’re looking for some fun things to do with friends or family this Thanksgiving, here are 15 ideas to get you started.

1. Turkey trotting:

A turkey trot is a great way to work up an appetite for all that delicious Thanksgiving food. Organize a neighborhood 5k race or join one of the many charity turkey’s trots that take place around the country on Thanksgiving morning.

2. Pumpkin painting:

Get into the festive spirit by painting pumpkins with your friends or family. You can use paint, markers, glitter, or whatever else you like to decorate your pumpkins.

3. Family feast:

One of the best parts of Thanksgiving is the food. Get together with your family and cook up a storm. From turkey to stuffing to pumpkin pie, there are so many delicious dishes to enjoy.

4. Football watching:

Whether you’re rooting for your favorite team or just enjoying the good old-fashioned game, watching football on Thanksgiving is a tradition for many families.

5. Pie eating contest:

Who can eat the most pie? Host a friendly competition to see who can devour their slice the quickest. The winner gets bragging rights and an extra helping of dessert.

6. Karaoke:

Get everyone singing along at a karaoke party on Thanksgiving night. You can sing all your favorite Thanksgiving songs, from “Over the River and Through the Woods” to “Auld Lang Syne.”

7. Board games:

Break out the Monopoly or Scrabble and have some old-fashioned family fun. Or try something new with one of the many great board games that have come out in recent years.

8. Movie marathon:

Gather up all your favorite Thanksgiving movies and have a marathon viewing session. From classics like “Miracle on 34th Street” and “It’s a Wonderful Life” to more modern fare like “Home for the Holidays” and “Free Birds,” there’s something for everyone.

9. Shopping:

Gets a head start on your holiday shopping by hitting the stores on Thanksgiving day. You can avoid the crowds and take advantage of all the great sales.

10. Volunteering:

Give back to your community by volunteering at a local soup kitchen or food bank on Thanksgiving day. It’s a great way to help those in need and feel thankful for what you have.

11. Nature walks:

Enjoy the fall foliage with a leisurely nature walk. If you live in an area with beautiful autumn leaves, it’s the perfect time to get outside and appreciate the natural beauty around you.

12. Photo scavenger hunt:

Organize a photo scavenger hunt with your friends or family. Give everyone a list of things to find and take pictures of, and see who can complete the most items on the list.

13. Decorating:

Get your home ready for the holidays by decorating for Thanksgiving. From putting up a festive wreath to setting the table with a beautiful centerpiece, there are many ways to get into the spirit of the season.

14. Baking:

Whip up some delicious Thanksgiving desserts like pumpkin pie, pecan pie, or apple crisp. Or try your hand at making a traditional turkey cake.

15. Crafts:

Get creative with some Thanksgiving-themed crafts. Make homemade place cards for your dinner table, or decorate a pumpkin vase to hold flowers. Whatever you make, it’s sure to be a festive addition to your holiday décor.


Thanksgiving is a time to enjoy the company of loved ones, and there are plenty of activities to help make it a memorable day. From turkey trots to pumpkin painting, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. So get out there and have some fun this Thanksgiving!