Keeping Your Business Data Secure – Insights into Cybersecurity Best Practices by Adam Veron

In the contemporary business scenario, data is often the most valuable asset of your organization. It is, therefore, necessary to keep it secure from being stolen or tampered with by hackers. Keeping your company’s database protected is not something you can do a few random acts; rather, you need to know and also implement a sound strategy. Adam Veron highlights some cybersecurity best practices:

Conduct a Risk Assessment Adam Veron

You will never be able to protect your data as well as you should unless you know what the risks are. Therefore, the first task is to figure out the specific risks. That you need to take care of in your cybersecurity policy. Rather than just go by a thumb rule and also start focusing on standard compliances. The risk assessment will enable you to uncover specific threats. To your data security so that you can take appropriate action.

Generate a Cybersecurity Policy

Even though you may think you know all that has to be done to keep your data secure. It is wise to prepare a comprehensive cybersecurity policy. That takes into account the identified risks and also details. The course of action to be followed to not only keep your data safe. But also what to do in case of a security breach. This will enable all your employees to be on the same page. It may even be necessary for different departments to create their individual policies to take care of their special requirements.

Maintain Updated Cybersecurity Software, Advises Adam Veron

New cybersecurity threats are emerging all the time, so make it a point to install the best possible antivirus and also antimalware software. And also keep updating them regularly.

Perform Regular Data Backups

Backing up your data, especially on remote storage is among the most effective cybersecurity practices. With a regular backup, you can be sure that even if your database has been compromised by hackers. You will be able to get back all your records intact. Backing up your data regularly is perhaps the best measure you can take against ransomware, observes Adam Veron.

Limit Security Access

While it is a good practice to trust your employees, you should not allow unfettered access to your business information system. By everyone working in your company. You should make it a practice to provide access to your data only to those employees who need it. Only employees with special security clearances should be able to access the entire system and also make changes to it; the rest can be permitted to only retrieve data and also not enter new data.


Even as you implement the discussed cybersecurity best practices, the most fundamental step in ensuring data security is keeping your passwords secure by making them complex, teaching employees not to write them down anywhere, encouraging the use of password managers, and also installing a two-factor authentication system that will provide one more layer of security against hackers. Make sure that you change all the default passwords that come with new devices and monitor employees who access the information system the most.