Make your kitchen towels work harder with these 13 tips on how to make them more absorbent

Kitchen towels are one of those essential household items that we often take for granted. We use them to dry our hands, clean up spills, and line our cookie sheets when baking. But have you ever stopped to think about how absorbent your kitchen towels actually are?

13 Ways to Make Your Kitchen Towels More Absorbent:

1. Choose the right material.

The most absorbent kitchen towels are made from natural materials like cotton or linen. Synthetic materials like polyester or microfiber can be more effective at repelling water, but they’re not as good at absorbing it.

2. Pre-wash your towels.

Washing your towels before you use them for the first time will help to set the fabric and make them more absorbent. Just be sure to use a mild detergent and avoid using fabric softener, which can actually make towels less absorbent.

3. Use hot water.

When washing your towels, use hot water instead of cold. Hot water helps to open up the fibers of the fabric, which allows them to better absorb water.

4. Dry towels in the sun.

Hang your towels outside to dry whenever possible. The sun’s UV rays help to disinfect the fabric and make towels more absorbent.

5. Don’t use too much detergent.

Using too much detergent can actually make towels less absorbent. It’s best to stick to the recommended amount on your detergent bottle or just use a tablespoon or two.

6. Rinse towels thoroughly.

Make sure to rinse your towels thoroughly after washing them. Any detergent residue left on the fabric can make towels less absorbent.

7. Avoid using fabric softener.

As we mentioned before, fabric softeners can make towels less absorbent. If you want to use it, just make sure to add it to the rinse cycle instead of the wash cycle.

8. Use vinegar as a natural fabric softener.

If you’re looking for a natural way to soften your towels, try adding a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle. Vinegar is also great for removing any detergent build-up that can make towels less absorbent.

9. Don’t over dry your towels.

Towels should be just damp, not wet, when you remove them from the dryer. Over drying your towels can make them less absorbent and more likely to develop mildew.

10. Fluff towels in the dryer.

Every few minutes, open up the dryer door and fluff your towels with your hands. This will help to prevent them from getting too tangled and will make them more absorbent.

11. Store towels in a cool, dry place.

Mildew loves warm, humid environments. To prevent your towels from developing mildew, store them in a cool, dry place like a linen closet or an air-tight container.

12. Use baking soda to remove odors.

If your towels start to smell, try sprinkling them with baking soda. Let the baking soda sit on the towels for an hour or two before washing them as usual.

13. Use lemon juice to brighten colors.

If you’re white towels start to look yellow, try soaking them in a solution of equal parts lemon juice and water. The lemon juice will help to brighten the fabric and make towels look new again.

Following these 13 tips will help you get the most out of your kitchen towels. From pre-washing to storing in a cool, dry place, these tips will keep your towels absorbent and looking new for longer. Do you have any other tips for making kitchen towels more absorbent?


Kitchen towels are an essential part of any kitchen, but they can often be overlooked. By following these 13 tips, you can make sure that your kitchen towels are more absorbent and last longer. From choosing the right material to storing them in a cool, dry place, these tips will keep your towels looking new and working effectively.

Kitchen towels are a necessary part of any home, but they can be tricky to keep absorbent. By following these 13 tips, you can make sure your kitchen towels are always up to the task. From choosing the right material to storing them properly, these tips will keep your towels looking new and absorbent for longer. Do you have any other tips for making kitchen towels more absorbent?