Office Decoration Tips for a Productive Workspace

Here are 15 Office Decoration Tips for a Productive Workspace:

1. Keep it clean and clutter-free –

A clean and organized workspace is a key to staying productive. Make sure to keep your desk free of any unnecessary paperwork or knick-knacks.

2. Bring in some plants –

Studies have shown that having plants in the office can boost productivity levels. Not only do they look nice, but they also help to purify the air.

3. Make sure your chair is comfortable –

You’re going to be spending a lot of time sitting in your office chair, so make sure it’s comfortable! Invest in a good-quality chair that will support your back and allow you to sit for long periods of time without getting sore.

4. Get rid of distractions –

If you find yourself easily distracted by things like social media or email, then it might be worth considering getting rid of these distractions from your workspace. If possible, set up your office in a way where you can’t see or hear any potential distractions.

5. Create an inspiring space –

One way to stay productive is to surround yourself with things that inspire you. Whether it’s photos of your family, a few inspiring quotes, or even just some pretty office supplies, make sure your workspace is a place that motivates you to get work done.

6. Keep your desk organized –

A messy desk can be a major productivity killer. Take some time to organize your desk so that everything has its own place. This way, you won’t have to waste time looking for things when you need them.

7. Let in natural light –

Natural light has been shown to boost productivity levels, so if possible, try to set up your office near a window. If you don’t have access to natural light, make sure to use a good-quality artificial light source.

8. Add some personal touches –

Your workspace should be a reflection of you and your personality. So don’t be afraid to add some personal touches to your décor. This will make it feel more like a place you want to spend time in.

9. Incorporate Feng Shui principles –

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that is said to promote harmony and balance in the home or office. If you want to try incorporating some Feng Shui into your workspace, there are a few simple things you can do, such as positioning your desk facing the door and keeping the space around your desk clear.

10. Make use of wall space –

If you’re short on desk space, make use of your wall space! You can hang up corkboards or whiteboards to help keep you organized and productive.

11. Add some greenery –

In addition to plants, adding some greenery to your office can also help boost your productivity levels. Try placing a small succulent on your desk or hanging up a green plant near your work area.

12. Invest in a good-quality printer –

A good-quality printer is essential for any office. If you don’t have one already, invest in a model that is reliable and has all the features you need.

13. Get a comfortable mouse and keyboard –

Just like your chair, your mouse and keyboard should also be comfortable to use. If you find yourself getting sore wrists or fingers after using them for a while, consider investing in a better-quality model.

14. Make sure your computer monitor is at the right height –

If your computer monitor is too low or too high, it can cause neck and back pain. Make sure it’s at the right height so that you can view it comfortably without straining your neck.

15. Use an ergonomic desk –

An ergonomic desk is designed to be more comfortable and productive to use. If you’re looking for a new desk, consider investing in an ergonomic model.


By following these simple tips, you can create a productive and inspiring workspace that will help you get the most out of your workday. Investing in a few key pieces of office furniture and equipment can also make a big difference in terms of comfort and productivity. Just remember to personalize your space so that it reflects your unique personality and style.