Thankful thoughts: What we’re grateful for this year

This year has been challenging for everyone. We’ve faced difficult choices, we’ve had to adapt to new ways of living, and we’ve all been affected by the events of the world in one way or another. But in spite of everything, there are still things that we can be Thankful for.

Here are some things that we’re thankful for this year:

Our health:

This year has been a reminder of how important our health is. We’re grateful for the good health that we have and we’re determined to take care of ourselves so that we can enjoy many more years to come.

Our families:

Our families are always there for us, even when times are tough. We’re grateful for their love and support.

Our friends:

Good friends are hard to come by, and we’re thankful for the ones that we have. They’ve been a source of strength and comfort this year.

Our homes:

Our homes are our refuge from the outside world. We’re thankful for having a place to call our own.

Our jobs:

We’re grateful for our jobs, even if they’re not perfect. They provide us with an income and a sense of purpose.

Our pets:

Our pets bring us joy and unconditional love. We’re thankful for their companionship.

The outdoors:

Nature is a great source of comfort. We’re thankful for the opportunity to get out into the fresh air and enjoy the beauty of the world around us.


Books provide us with an escape from reality. We’re thankful for the ability to lose ourselves in a good story.


Music has the power to lift our spirits and make us feel better. We’re thankful for the musicians who create it and share it with the world.


Technology keeps us connected to the people and things that matter most to us. We’re grateful for its many benefits.

The little things:

We’re thankful for the small moments that make life worth living. The laughter of a child, the beauty of a sunset, and a friendly smile from a stranger… these are the things that make life sweet.

This year has been tough for a lot of us. We’ve faced challenges and heartache, loss and grief. But through it all, we’ve also found moments of joy, love, and hope. As we approach the end of 2020, we want to take a moment to reflect on the things we’re grateful for. From our families and friends to our health and homes, here’s what we’re thankful for this year.


1. What are you thankful for this year?

We’re thankful for our families, our friends, our homes, our jobs, and our health. We’re also grateful for the little things that make life worth living, like laughter, beauty, and love.

2. What has been the most challenging part of this year?

This year has been challenging for a lot of us. We’ve faced difficult choices, we’ve had to adapt to new ways of living, and we’ve all been affected by the events of the world in one way or another.

3. What are your plans for the future?

We’re looking forward to continuing to enjoy life’s simple pleasures and spending time with the people we love. We’re also determined to take care of our health so that we can enjoy many more years to come.

4. What do you think the world will be like in 2021?

We hope that the world will be a little bit kinder and a little bit easier to navigate in 2021. We’re also hoping that we can all take some time to slow down and appreciate the things that matter most to us.


This year has been tough for a lot of us, but there are still things to be grateful for. From our families and friends to our jobs and homes, we’re thankful for the people and things that make our lives better. We’re also grateful for the little things that make life worth living, like laughter, beauty, and love. As we head into 2021, we hope for a better world – one that is kinder and easier to navigate. But no matter what the future holds, we’ll always be grateful for the people and things that make our lives better.