The Dos and Don’ts of Business Etiquette

Business etiquette is the set of rules or guidelines that dictate how employees should interact with each other and with customers or clients. Good business etiquette can make a company more pleasant to work for and do business with and can help to build trust and respect between employees, customers, and clients.

There are 15 key things to keep in mind when it comes to business etiquette:

Always be professional:

This means maintaining a positive attitude, dressing appropriately for the occasion, and speaking in a clear and articulate manner.

Be punctual:

This means showing up on time for meetings, appointments, and any other commitments.

Be respectful:

This means treating others with respect, even if you don’t agree with them. It also means being mindful of cultural differences and sensitivities.

Be a good listener:

This means giving others your full attention when they are speaking to you, and not interrupting or talking over them.

Be assertive:

This means being confident in your opinions and communicating them in a clear and concise manner.

Be positive:

This means staying upbeat and optimistic, even in difficult situations.

Be flexible:

This means being willing to change your plans or opinions if it would be beneficial to do so.

Be open-minded:

This means being receptive to new ideas and perspectives, even if they are different from your own.

Be patient:

This means being able to tolerate delays or setbacks without getting angry or frustrated.

Be calm:

This means keeping your emotions in check, especially in difficult or challenging situations.

Be a good team player:

This means working well with others and being willing to compromise when necessary.

Be honest:

This means always telling the truth, even if it is difficult to do so.

Adhere to company policy:

This means following the rules and guidelines that have been set by your company.

Be professional at all times:

This means behaving in a way that is respectful, polite, and appropriate in any situation.

The following are a few things to avoid doing in the workplace:

Don’t gossip:

Gossiping about others is unprofessional and can create an atmosphere of mistrust and negativity.

Don’t argue:

Arguing with others is disruptive and unproductive. If you disagree with someone, try to discuss the issue in a calm and rational manner.

Don’t be late:

Punctuality is important in the business world. Showing up late for meetings or appointments sends the message that you don’t value other people’s time.

Don’t slouch:

Good posture conveys confidence and shows that you are paying attention. Slouching, on the other hand, can make you look disinterested or bored.

Don’t use your phone:

Using your phone in the middle of a conversation is rude and shows that you are not really listening to the person who is speaking to you. If you must take a call, excuse yourself first.

Don’t interrupt:

Interrupting others is impolite and can disrupt the flow of conversation. If you have something to say, wait until the other person has finished speaking before chiming in.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you are always behaving in a professional and courteous manner. Remember, good business etiquette can help to build trust and respect, and can make your workplace more pleasant for everyone.

It’s also important to be aware of your body language. Slouching, fidgeting, or crossing your arms conveys disinterest, boredom, or hostility. Maintaining eye contact shows that you are engaged in the conversation. And smiling gives off a positive, friendly vibe.

When it comes to business etiquette, always remember to be professional, punctual, respectful, and a good listener. Also, be assertive, positive, flexible, open-minded, patient, calm, and a good team player. And finally, adhere to company policy and be honest at all times. Avoid gossiping, arguing, being late, slouching, using your phone in the middle of a conversation, or interrupting others. Pay attention to your body language as well; slouching conveys disinterest while maintaining eye contact shows that you are engaged. Remember to smile too! By following these tips, you can make sure that you are always behaving in a courteous and professional manner. Good business


By following the tips above, you can make sure that you are always behaving in a professional and courteous manner at work. This will help to build trust and respect and make your workplace more pleasant for everyone. Remember to be aware of your body language as well; slouching, fidgeting, or crossing your arms conveys disinterest, boredom, or hostility. Maintaining eye contact shows that you are engaged in the conversation. And smiling gives off a positive, friendly vibe.