The right way to redecorate your space on a budget

The right way to redecorate your space on a budget

Living on a budget doesn’t mean you can’t make home improvements and redecorate.

We’ve rounded up some of the most creative and impressive décor ideas that will transform your pad without breaking the bank.

All of these décor overhauls can be done in under $50!

1- Cover your table with paint samples.

2- Paint the front of your books. 3- Make an abstract artwork with a map and masking tape.

4- Turn decor items you already have into something new.

5- Redecorate jar lids to create coasters.

6- Transform tissue boxes into goblets.

7 – Use thumb tacks to create a framed gallery on your wall.

8- Use an old bed sheet to cover the front of a bookcase.

9 – Wrap your faucet in ribbon for something new.

10- Replace light bulbs with Christmas lights to get patterned lighting effects throughout your home.

11- Create colorful coasters by painting pieces of cork.

12- Use a gold sharpie to make a new mirror stand out against a white wall.

13- Cover your end tables with contact paper for an instant (and cheap!) update.

14 – Frame old candle jars with frames you already have lying around the house.

15- If you’re feeling crafty, you can easily make vase fillers out of toilet paper rolls.

16- Paint stripes on your ceiling using painter’s tape for a unique touch.

17- Use paint stirrers as decor pieces around the house.

18- Paint old wooden letters to give them an redecorate.  

19 – Cover table legs with cardboard for an instant update.

20 – Cover your floor with tiles you can pick up at the dollar store for an upgraded look and

21- Use stencils to redecorate pillows, wallpaper or fabric.

22- Make personalized coasters out of patterned tape and shiny Christmas balls!

23- Redecorate with canvases you already have lying around.

24 – Handwrite messages on your walls to give your space a homey feel.

25- Create unique artwork with lace and glue.

26- Give old picture frames new life by painting them in bright colors.

27- Use molding tape to create stripes for something extraordinary.

28 – Layer tissue paper and bubbles inside a vase, and then put flowers inside.

29 – Transform your sofa by covering it with patterned tape for an instant update.

30- Drill holes into an old picture frame and turn it into a wall hanging!

Boost Your Sales with These 4 Tips are you in business?

If so, you would know that the success of any business depends on the ability of one to boost sales. You can do anything, from creating an innovative product to offering impeccable customer service. However, at the end of the day, if you don’t have customers coming back to buy more products or services again and again, your business won’t grow. So how do you manage to keep this momentum going? Well, there are a few things that you can do in order to grow your sales and get more customers coming back to you.

Here are some of them:    

1- Improve Your Product or Service with Reviews        

Did you know that one of the biggest reasons why people buy products or services is because they have learned about it through word of mouth? If a friend tells another friend about an amazing new product that they bought, the other one will definitely want to check it out. It’s just how we are as humans. However, if you don’t have any friends or family members that can tell people about your business, then getting customer reviews is the next best thing! Customer reviews are literally free advertisements for your products and services, and they can work magic when it comes to boosting sales.

2- Run a Mother’s Day Special & Offer Discounts            

Believe it or not, people love getting discounts and specials on products and services. They see value in getting a good deal! So if you want to boost your sales, why don’t you run a mother’s day special or offer discounts during the weekend? It might be easier said than done, especially if you aren’t sure where to start. But don’t worry! There are online tools that can help you manage your sales and get more customers to come back to you again and again. One of these tools is Dukkola. This amazing software offers a quick and easy solution to manage your sales, get customer reviews and much more!            

3 – Get More Positive Customer Reviews               

Did you know that there are tools out there that can help you get more reviews from your customers? Well, they’re not just any ordinary reviews. These reviews come from customers that have been informed about the product or service beforehand. In other words, these are real reviews by real customers, and they can definitely work magic when it comes to boosting your sales. More positive customer reviews means more potential clients for you!               


Boosting your sales shouldn’t be a difficult task, especially if you have the right tools to back you up. In this day and age, there are so many tools out there that can help you manage your business more efficiently, especially when it comes to boosting sales. So why not try them out today? It’s definitely going to be one of the best choices that you would have ever made!