Top Tips on Keeping Home Appliances in Good Condition 

Household appliances get better and cheaper every year, however, since they cost a lot, it is worth maintaining them to get them to perform better and also keep the value of your house from going down. Well-maintained household appliances also save money since they do not break down frequently. Some top appliance maintenance tips to get the maximum out of them:

Refrigerator Maintenance

When you buy a new fridge, you should allow it to stand for around 24 hours before plugging it in to run it. By letting the fridge stand, the oil in the compressor has the time to settle before the pump starts to operate. While a running fridge requires close to nil maintenance, keeping the coils at the back free of dust helps it cool better. If your fridge has a drain pan for the water to collect, it can be a good idea to clean it once in a while to prevent mold from forming.

Freezer Maintenance

Deep freezers that keep food very cold to avoid spoiling pretty much do not need regular maintenance. Once in a while, you may like to de-ice it as too much ice buildup reduces its efficiency; however, modern freezers have an automatic de-ice function. It is prudent to allow freezers to stand for a few hours before running them to allow the oil to settle in the compressor like refrigerators. Cleaning the drain pan once in a while will ensure mold does not develop, according to a top appliance repair in West Mifflin PA Company.

Cooking Range Maintenance

Modern stoves do not require maintenance beyond regular cleaning of food spills and changing the light bulb. Ceramic or glass cook-tops are non-porous and therefore easy to clean. If there is a heavy buildup of burned food debris, you should use a metal scraper to remove the gunk; however, you must do it gently to avoid scratching the surface. Use a paste of baking soda and vinegar to clean the surface. According to Good Housekeeping, you can use any commercial cooktop cleaning cream to wipe the surface clean.

Washing Machine Maintenance

Apart from occasionally cleaning the outside and inside of a washing machine, there is nothing much to worry about maintenance unless you have a leak that can be pretty messy. Since the leakages commonly occur at the point where the water lines are attached, you should use good-quality braided steel lines and avoid over-tightening them to prevent the washer threads from cracking. You can extend the life of the washing machine by not overloading them. It puts extra load on the motor, balancers, and transmission, causing them to fail prematurely. Also, use the recommended amount of detergent to avoid it building up inside. Once in a while, add some vinegar to a hot water cycle to remove detergent buildup and hard water scaling.


Modern household appliances are designed so well that they do not need much maintenance to keep them operating efficiently. Generally, by keeping them clean, and ensuring that the water and electric lines are connected correctly, you should have no problems. By keeping your appliances in good condition, you will enjoy many years of good service without needing to replace them.